How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen - Is Banner

Comment lire les DM d'Instagram sans être vu

Table des matières

It might have happened to you that you wanted to read a direct message that someone sent you in Instagram without getting seen (that is, without the other person being informed that the DM has been read).
Dans cet article, vous allez apprendre à lire les messages directs sur Instagram de manière invisible.

Pour lire les DM Instagram sans être vu, suivez les étapes ci-dessous :

Étapes pour lire les DM Instagram de manière invisible

Étape 1 Comme vous pouvez le voir sur l'image ci-dessous, quelqu'un m'a envoyé un message direct.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Étape 2 Now, in order to read a person's message without him noticing, we first enter the explorer page and search for the person's username in the search section at the top of the page.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Étape 3 We enter the desired person's page and click on the three dots ( ) icon.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Étape 4 Dans le menu, cliquez surRestreindre.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Étape 5 Sélectionnez ensuiteRejeter.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Étape 6 Now we go to our direct messaging section again and we see that the desired person's message has been transferred to the Demande.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Étape 7 Nous cliquons sur la demande, puis vous pouvez lire confortablement le message direct de la personne sans être vu.

How to Read Instagram DMs without Being Seen

Conclusion In this article, you learned how to read the Instagram DMs without getting seen. This will make the other party think that you have not seen his messages yet. You can also share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

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