Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 € Get Discount

Telegram Bulk Sender

Bot Package
Lifetime License 7-Days Money Back Guarantee
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The package includes 17 bots for Telegram bulk activities, including bulk message sender to phone numbers and usernames, bulk group members extractor, bulk group members adder, etc. There are also video tutorials and PDF tips and tricks to avoid getting reported or blocked.

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Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 €
Telegram Bulk Messaging Bot Package
%100 Secure

%100 Secure

Click the link below for more information on security More info...

One-time Payment (Lifetime License)

No Pay-Per-Use / No Extra Fee

This product is a windows-based program that will be installed on your PC and Messaging with it, has no cost.

Telegram Money-Back

7-Days Money Back Guarantee

Refund in case of non-performance More info...

Active & Tested

The bot is currently active and was tested on2025/03/03
Latest version: 14.0 Changelog

Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 €
Free Trial

Free Demo

Demo/trial is so limited but shows how the bot works Download

Answer to Important Questions

How many messages should we send daily to keep our Telegram account safe? Important

There are no specific restrictions on sending messages to your mutual contacts (contacts you have already chatted with) on Telegram. That means you can send messages to as many mutual contacts as you want with your Telegram account, and you will not face any problems. But the story is different for sending messages to strangers (contacts you have no chat history with). For stranger people, by each of your Telegram accounts, depending on the positive score of the account, you can send messages to 50 strangers in one day at a maximum. In which case will your account's positive score increase? If you put a profile picture for your account and complete the bio. If the life (time of creation) of your account increases. If you are active on Telegram, post in groups, chat with friends, etc. And most importantly: if others react to your activities in Telegram (for example, reply to your sent messages), you will receive more positive scores. The more you increase the total positive score of your account by doing the activities mentioned above, the more messages you can send daily. VIP tips & tricks to increase the positive score of accounts, Telegram algorithms and limits, and other tips necessary to avoid getting blocked or reported, will be provided to you in the full version package after purchase. Warning: You should be very careful with the newly created accounts (or accounts that have not been active recently) because these accounts do not have any positive score because of their creation time or the lack of activities, and if others report or block them, they will be immediately out of reach (get banned). We recommend using these accounts according to the VIP tips & tricks mentioned in the package.

Can the Bot send messages through accounts created using virtual numbers? Important

Yes, the bot can use any mobile numbers (accounts) that you introduce to it for sending messages; virtual number, your personal/business number, etc. It makes no difference to the bot. You can use any kind of physical or virtual SIMs for sending messages.

What should I take into consideration for adding members to Telegram groups? Important

Telegram allows you to add up to 50 members to a group with each account per day; For example, having 4 accounts, you can add up to 200 people to your group per day.
To prepare accounts for adding people to groups, you should note that accounts (SIMs) must belong to the same country that the group creator used for creating the group; Meaning if the group is created with a German number, you should also use German numbers to add members. (Using virtual numbers from other countries to add people to a group that was created by a German number might not work).


and Capabilities of Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

The general view of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

The general view of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

The VIP tutorials of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

The VIP tutorials of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Video of how to activate the bot

Video of how to activate the bot

One of the tutorial videos on how to use the bot

One of the tutorial videos on how to use the bot

The content of one of the bots in the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

The content of one of the bots in the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Tips before running

Tips before running

Setting up one of the bots in the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Setting up one of the bots in the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

The bot’s running process

The bot’s running process

possibility of automatic update

possibility of automatic update

The steps of getting updates all automatically

The steps of getting updates all automatically

Demo/ Full version

The Demo version is so limited, but it can be used to see how the software works and make sure whether the Demo/Full version will work properly on your PC   Full Version Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 € Demo Version Free Download

Group Members Adder Yes Yes (Limited)
Ability to bulk add usernames to a group Yes Yes, only 1 username
Ability for non-group admins to bulk add members Yes Yes
Ability for group admins to bulk add members Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) to add members Yes No
Ability to determine the number of usernames to be added Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Group Member Adder Bot

Message Sender to Unsaved Contacts Yes Yes (Limited)
Ability to send bulk messages to a list of numbers Yes Yes, only 1 number
Ability to insert people’s name, title, etc. in the message text Yes Yes
Ability to send multiple messages consecutively Yes No
Ability to report performance results Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) to send messages Yes No
Ability to specify the number of messages to be sent Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Message Sender to Unsaved Contacts Bot

Message Sender to Usernames Yes Yes (Limited)
Ability to send bulk messages to a list of usernames Yes Yes, only 1 username
Ability to insert people’s name, title, etc. in the message text Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) to send messages Yes No
Ability to specify the number of messages to be sent Yes No
Ability to report performance results Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Message Sender to Usernames

Group Members Extractor Yes Yes (Limited)
Ability to extract all group members info Yes Yes, only 3 members
Ability to extract members usernames Yes Yes
Ability to extract members name & mobile number(if available) Yes No
Ability to save extracted information in an Excel file Yes Yes
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Group Member Extractor Bot

Message Sender to Saved Contacts from List Yes No
Ability to insert people’s name, title, etc. in the message text Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) to send messages Yes No
Ability to specify the number of messages to be sent Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Message Sender to Saved Contacts Bot

Message Sender to Groups Yes No
Ability to send a message in several groups Yes No
Ability to join groups Yes No
Ability to use multiple accounts to send messages Yes No
Ability to report performance results Yes No

Message Sender to Saved Contacts Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) to send messages Yes No
Ability to specify the number of messages to be sent Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Message Sender to Saved Contacts

Message Sender to Chatted Contacts Bot Yes No
Ability to send bulk messages to a list of Chatted Contacts Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Message Sender to Chatted Contacts Bot in Telegram

Message Forwarder to Groups Bot Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims to message Yes No
Ability to specify the number of messages to be sent Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Message Forwarder to Groups Bot

Contacts Importer Yes No
Ability to Choose the desired name to save contacts Yes No
Ability to add contacts from a list of numbers Yes No
Ability to report performance results Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Contacts Importer Bot

Telegram Numbers Filter Bot Yes No
Ability to check a list of numbers Yes No
Ability to grab usernames of filtered Telegram account Yes No
Ability to report performance results Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) to check phone numbers Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Numbers Auto Filter Bot

Spam Accounts Checker Yes No
Ability to Check accounts’ performance accuracy and quality Yes No
Ability to sort and separate accounts based on their quality Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Bulk Spam Account Checker Bot

Contacts Remover Yes No
Ability to remove all contacts automatically Yes No
Ability to selectively remove some contacts from a list Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Contacts Remover

Contacts Remover from List Bot Yes No
Ability to remove contacts from an excel file automatically Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Contacts Remover from List Bot

Contacts Exporter Yes No
Ability to Save the contacts’ names, usernames & phone numbers Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Telegram Contacts Exporter Bot

Message Forwarder to Unsaved Contacts Bot Yes no
Ability to Send bulk messages to a list of phone numbers Yes No
Ability to forward multiple messages consecutively Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) for sending messages Yes No
Ability to determine the number of messages to be sent Yes No
Ability to forward all kinds of messages including images, videos, etc. Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Message Forwarder to Unsaved Contacts Bot

Message Forwarder to Usernames Bot Yes no
Ability to send bulk messages to a list of usernames Yes No
Ability to forward multiple messages Yes No
Ability to use multiple sims (accounts) Yes No
Ability to forward all kinds of messages including images, videos, etc. Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Message Forwarder to Usernames Bot

Purchase Full Version Latest Version Version 14.0 Changelog Download Demo Version

Requirements Windows (10 - 11 ,Server 2016-2022) Telegram (Latest Version) Minimum System Requirements Disk Drive: S.S.D CPU: 4-Core 2 GH.z RAM: 4 GB


of Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Ability to Send Messages to Strangers

The Telegram bot can send your message to strangers (whom you have not saved in your contacts) or even forward your messages to them.

Advantage: Attract new customers

Sending ads to strangers causes new people, who did not know your business, to get familiar with it and become your potential customers.

Ability to Send Messages to Strangers

Ability to Send Messages to Usernames

You can provide the bot with Telegram username (or the mobile number) of your target audience so that the bot automatically sends your desired message to them in private.

Advantage: Ability to message even without having the phone number

Having this possibility, you do not need to pay for any mobile number database; Instead, you can extract the members' usernames from Telegram groups and send them your ad.

Ability to Send Messages to usernames

Ability to Extract Members’ Username from Groups

In the package, there is a bot that can export the Telegram username of all members from the Telegram groups to an Excel file.

Advantage: Targeted advertising

By extracting usernames from groups (competitive or close to your business), you can obtain an username database of the people that are relevant or interested in your field of business.

Ability to Extract Members’ username from Groups

Ability to Send Messages in Telegram Groups

In the package, there is a bot that can send your advertising message(s) to your desired Telegram group(s) consecutively.

Advantage: Mass and free advertising

Sending messages in Telegram groups continuously and on a large scale can bring good feedback to you for free.

Ability to Send Messages in Telegram Groups

Send Direct Messages to Group Members

Using the bots in this package, you can extract the group members’ usernames and send your ads to these people in private.

Advantage: Targeted advertising

By sending ads to the members of groups related to your field, you are more likely to attract customers because the recipients are the right target audience for your business.

Ability to Send Direct Messages to Group Members

Ability to Add Usernames to Groups

In the package, there is a bot that can receive a list of usernames to automatically add these usernames to your intended Telegram group.

Advantage: Reducing advertising workload

By adding people to your group, instead of sending ads to each of them separately, you send your ads directly to the group, which significantly reduces your advertising workload.

Ability to Add usernames to groups

Ability to Insert the Recipients’ Name

You can enter the name and title of the owners of each number/ username to send a particularly customized message to each person.

Advantage: Increase the effectiveness of the sent messages

Inserting the recipient's name in each message, will cause you to attract the audience's attention and increase the effectiveness of your ads.

Ability to Insert the Recipients’ Name in Each Message

Ability to Send Photos, Videos, Links, Emojis, etc.

In addition to text messages, the bot can send a variety of content such as photos, videos, files, links and emojis to individuals and groups.

Advantage: Increase the attractiveness of sent messages

If the text of your advertising message is accompanied by an attractive advertising photo, video, or voice, it will attract more contacts.

Ability to Send Photos, Videos, Links, Emojis, and ...

Using the Mouse to Simulate Human Behavior

This bot package has been designed to accurately simulate human behavior. For this purpose, the bots in this package use your system mouse and keyboard to do things.

Advantage: Not being identified as a bot Disadvantage: The system is busy while the bot is running

You cannot use your system while the bot is running, because the bot uses your system mouse & keyboard, which makes Telegram unable to distinguish the bot from human and block it.

Using the System Mouse to Simulate Human-like Performance

Ability to Use Multiple Accounts for Messaging

The bot has no limit on the number of accounts. You can introduce as many accounts as you want to the bot to automatically send the messages.

Advantage: Increase the number of sent messages per day

Depending on the account score, you can send a maximum of 50 messages to strangers per day, then by increasing the accounts, you can send more ads per day.

Ability to Use Multiple Accounts for Messaging

Automated Account Switch

After the bot sends your intended messages with the specified account, it closes that account to continue sending messages with the next account.

Advantage: No need for man-force intervention

Sending messages is all done by the bot and there is no need for man-force to change the accounts manually.

Automated Account Switch

Ability to Filter Telegram Numbers

You can provide the bot with a list of mobile numbers to filter Telegram numbers from the non-Telegram numbers.

Advantage: Assurance before sending messages

Before starting your campaign, you can find out how many of your selected audience have Telegram accounts and assure whether they will receive your ads.

Ability to Filter Telegram Numbers

Including Tricks to Avoid Getting Blocked

The valuable PDF file 'Tips and Tricks to Avoid Getting Reported & Blocked' comes with the package, which offers you our years of experience in Telegram bulk messaging.

Advantage: Significant reduction in banned accounts

The PDF even contains tips on how to write a promotional message; By observing these tips, your accounts do not get blocked, and you increase the efficiency of your ads.

Including Tricks to Avoid Getting Blocked

Providing Reports

The bot will provide you with a report of the messaging process in an Excel file to inform you to which numbers/IDs your ads have been sent.

Advantage: Being fully aware of the status of messages

Receiving a report of the bot operation helps you to be fully aware of the success or failure of the messages so you can make the right decisions.

Providing Reports on Results of Sent Messages

Us / Our Competitors

Check out our Telegram Bulk Sender features vs. other similar products   v-User TelePlus
Send photo, video, voice, pdf, etc. Yes No
Insert recipients name in messages Yes Yes, Some of them
Send to unsaved contacts Yes Yes
Send messgaes into groups Yes No
Extract group members Yes Limited
Use multiple accounts Yes Yes, Some of them
Auto-switch between accounts Yes Yes, Some of them
Filter Telegram numbers Yes No
Send to chat repliers No Yes, Some of them
Forward messages Yes No
Send message to usernames Yes Yes
Mobile app No No
Easy to use user interface Yes Yes, Some of them
Import/Export through Excel files Yes Yes, Some of them
Trial/Demo version So limited limited
Phone number collector tool Yes, Extra fee No
Chrome extension No Yes, Some of them
Tricks to avoid getting blocked Yes Yes, Some of them
Tricks to avoid getting reported Yes No
Tricks to disable reporting effects Yes No
Customizable Yes, Extra fee No
Money back guarantee 7 days, In case of non-performance No
In-app purchase / pay-per-use No، No،
License time period Lifetime Yearly

Guaranteed Purchase

More than 11,790 active users
7-Days Money Back Guarantee

Updated & Active

Current version : 14.0 Change Log Trial / Demo Version

Who is Telegram Bulk Sender Bot suitable for?

If you have a list of hand-picked numbers tailored to your job and wish to send them a special offer

Explanation in audio file Audio file text × Audio file transcript If you have a list of hand-picked numbers tailored to your job and wish to send them a special offer If you have a list of hand-picked mobile numbers from your potential customers, meaning the people who might be interested in your services and products and you are going to send these people a special offer. This package gets the job done and it’s perfect for the purpose. But, if you have a list of mobile numbers, that may have been downloaded from the internet and you do not know their owner’s age, gender, interest, name, etc. or you have bought the numbers from a random source but you doubt on its credibility or you got a list of numbers generated by some kind of software, generally, if you have numbers that you do not have enough information about the owners of these numbers, we do not recommend that you use this package for such numbers.
The Telegram package is not similar to SMS panels. The nature of advertising through SMS panels is completely different from Telegram panels, because through SMS, people have no control over the incoming messages and cannot report you but in Telegram, if somebody doesn’t like your message, they have a button to report you as spam. So, your message and also your mobile number will go to a black list on Telegram servers. Therefore, we suggest that you go on purposefully.
Our package is designed for such purpose. We also explained how to write messages psychologically and useful techniques, so you could better find your target audience. By techniques, we mean for example, how to get members’ IDs from a Telegram group which I will explain more in the following voices. For short, if you have a list of appropriate numbers, this package is perfect for you.

If you have your customers' numbers and want to inform them about a new subject

Explanation in audio file Audio file text × Audio file transcript If you have your customers' numbers and want to inform them about a new subject If you have a list of your customers’ numbers, in fact, if you have a customer club and have gathered your customers’ numbers (the people who you work with) and now you want to inform them or advertise periodically or sell, this package gets the job done easily.
Now, at the beginning, all these 1000 or 2000 or so, the numbers you got may not have chatted with you on Telegram. These numbers are considered as anonymous numbers to Telegram. If you send messages to such numbers you may need to use multiple SIM cards or accounts, but in the original or informational message that you send, you could tell them to contact you through a specific number. Therefore, your main Telegram number gets familiar with these people and lifts any limitations. Afterwards, you could send bulk private messages to all those numbers. Private messaging is so much more effective rather than group or channel messages. This capability is designed in our package and if you already have a list of customers as a club, the package would be very useful for you.

If you want to send private messages to the members of your group

Explanation in audio file Audio file text × Audio file transcript If you want to send private messages to the members of your group Another interesting feature in our Telegram package is that, if you are a member of a group, our Bot can extract the IDs of each and every member of that group, then saves them in an Excel file, and then send private messages to those IDs. By IDs, we mean the username that starts with an “@”. In fact, rather than posting messages to that group, send private messages to the members of that group, which is super effective, because messages easily get lost and ignored in crowded groups and advertising in groups won’t do any good. By the way, we also have the capability to post messages to a list of groups. But it isn’t that much effective in supergroups. So, we have created this interesting feature, so you could send private messages to every member of that group.
The major benefit of this method is that you can be sure that you send messages to the number of people who you know what they are looking for and what they do. For example, if your ad is about electronics and you extracted those IDs from a group about electronics, then the IDs owners are definitely fond of electronics. If you carefully monitor the messages in such groups, you can guess what are their needs and what are they looking for, and then customize the content of your message exactly to the mode of those members in the group. In such a way, you could get the best result in any kind of ad you want to do. This macro, meaning the special capability included in the package is one of its best features and if you are looking for a purposeful way of advertising, I personally recommend this package.

If you use Telegram to support your clients and want to send private messages to those who already had a chat with you

Explanation in audio file Audio file text × Audio file transcript If you use Telegram to support your clients and want to send private messages to those who already had a chat with you If you have a Telegram account in which you have chatted before, and if this was your support number and those people already made conversations or any other ways that you may have had Telegram conversations with a series of numbers, the numbers of IDs that had a conversation with you, are now considered as white list or mutual contacts to Telegram. By ID, we mean the contact’s user names that starts with “@”. There are no limitations such as 50 messages per contact to these people. Now you can send private messages to these people with no restrictions.
For instance, the Telegram support number which we use for the last two years and many have sent us messages and if there are any important notifications with the help of our own macros in our Telegram package, we would send them bulk private messages. Telegram does not consider any limitations for such purpose, since we have already had a conversation with these numbers. This is an effective and great thing to use for informing our clients. We have put many other interesting features for such purpose; the most obvious one is the macro called Sending Bulk Messages to the People Who Have Already Chatted with You. This macro checks your conversation lists and sends private messages to each and one next and next until it reaches the last one on the list.
There is also another macro called extracting the IDs of the people who have already chatted with you. This macro extracts the IDs or mobile numbers of the people who have chatted with you and puts the information in an Excel file and you could send messages to the one you like and remove the numbers you do not need, so they won’t receive any messages. There are also options such as stop sending messages when reaches to a certain number and so, and makes this bot very useful when you have too many conversations with people on Telegram.

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 پرسش و پاسخ درباره About the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Frequently Asked Questions About the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

How many messages should we send per day to keep our Telegram account safe? Important

There are no restrictions on sending messages to your mutual contacts (contacts you have already chatted with) on Telegram; This means that you can send messages to as many people as you want with your Telegram account and you would not face any problem. But the story is different for sending messages to strangers (contacts you have no chat history with).
In general, depending on the positive score of your Telegram account, you can send up to 50 messages to strangers in one day.
VIP tips and tricks to increase the positive score of your accounts will be available to you after purchasing the full package.
Warning: You should be careful about the Telegram accounts which you have recently (less than a week) created, because these accounts do not have any positive points at the beginning, and if others report or block them, they will be immediately out of reach. We recommend that you use these accounts according to the VIP tips and tricks mentioned in the package.

Can the Bot send messages through accounts created using virtual numbers? Important

Yes, the bot can use any mobile numbers (accounts) that you introduce to it for sending messages; virtual number, your personal/business number, etc. It makes no difference to the bot. You can use any kind of physical or virtual SIMs for sending messages.

What should I take into consideration for adding members to Telegram groups? Important

Telegram allows you to add up to 50 members to a group with each account per day; For example, having 4 accounts, you can add up to 200 people to your group per day.
To prepare accounts for adding people to groups, you should note that accounts (SIMs) must belong to the same country that the group creator used for creating the group; Meaning if the group is created with a German number, you should also use German numbers to add members. (Using virtual numbers from other countries to add people to a group that was created by a German number might not work).

On how many computers or VPS can I use the purchased license?

At the moment, each license is issued for a single Computer (or VPS). If you want to use the program on more than one system, you need to buy additional licenses. Simultaneously, No. The software license is single-user license and just can be used on only 1 PC (or Server) at the same time. However, the licenses can be moved from a PC (or Server) to another PC (or another Server). That means, you can remove/delete the license you installed on a PC and install it on a new PC.

What would happen if the contacts report us? important

If your account gets reported to Telegram by different people many times, Telegram may temporarily block/ban your account and you may need to contact the Telegram support to recover your account. In the tutorials available inside the package, we have offered some tips and tricks on how to avoid getting reported and even if you get reported, make them have no or little effect and your account does not get blocked/banned.

Do the bots currently work?

Yes, our bots never stop working because they do not work with the Telegram API or behind the scenes Telegram codes. The bots are designed to simulate the exact human behavior by using the mouse and keyboard. Therefore, they are never recognized by Telegram as a bot. All of our bots have always been active and have been updated continuously. Read their Changelog Here

Does your package contain a Mobile Phone Number Database?

No. If you are looking for active and up to date mobile numbers to categorize them based on city or field of occupation, you can use our Google Maps Extractor Bot that exists in the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.

After purchasing the package, do I need to pay extra charges?

You do not need to pay any extra fees to us or pay for every message that is sent. Only if you want to provide several accounts, it may cost you little amount.

Does the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package include virtual numbers?

No. if you intend to run the bots using virtual numbers, you need to provide them yourself.

How much does a Virtual number cost?

By using some mobile applications, you can generate free numbers, and you can also buy cheap Virtual numbers from some websites. But since low-cost virtual numbers are not suitable for advertisement, we recommend that you purchase high-quality ones that cost about 1 € each.

Can I use this bot on a VPS?

Yes you can, although we recommend that you use the bot on your personal computer, the bot will run on Windows Servers that can be installed on VPS. guidelines regarding the usage of the software on Virtual Servers (VPS) .

What perquisites are needed for bulk advertising?

If you use 10 Telegram accounts and message 30-35 people per day using each account (Sending more messages increases the chance of your account getting restricted by Telegram), you will message 300-350 people in a day. Therefore, 10 SIMs would be enough for sending 10,000 ads in a month. This is a standard case, without considering the possibility of accounts getting blocked. If you want to investigate the case more realistically or increase the speed of your job, you will need to provide more SIMs or buy additional serial numbers to run Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package on more than 1 system.

What do we mean by “anonymous numbers” and “mutual contacts” in Telegram bulk messaging?

As you know, Telegram has some limitations on sending messages to anonymous numbers, but there are no such limitations for messaging your mutual contacts; that is, with one single Telegram account, you can send as many messages as you want to all your mutual contacts. On WhatsApp, the anonymous numbers are the numbers whose owners have not chatted with you before. If these people send you a message once (for example, send a 'hello' or even send '1' to you), then in terms of Telegram, they are considered as your mutual contact, and you can send them bulk messages without any limitations. If you can persuade your customers or subscribers to send you a message on Telegram, you can pass the barrier on Telegram limitations and send bulk messages free of charge, through Telegram. We have added tricks and tools inside the package, using which you turn anonymous people to mutual contacts.

Guaranteed Purchase

More than 11,790 active users
7-Days Money Back Guarantee

Updated & Active

Current version : 14.0 Change Log Trial / Demo Version

Why Us?

Over 5 Years of Experience

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Constant Support and Updates

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Human-Like Programming

44500 Customers Worldwide

Pioneer in Discovering Algorithms

Human-Like Programming × The most accurate programming of human behavior simulation.
We use the most accurate and up-to-date programming technology to build our bots, which helps our bots to display completely human-like behavior. In some sections (while moving the mouse) even the human hand tremor is included in the simulation of human-like behavior. Our advanced programming technology in robotics has made it impossible for any of our products to be recognized as a bot by large platforms such as Instagram or Google over the years, and to remain active and efficient at all times. At the edge of Algorithms × Pioneer in discovering the latest algorithms of the most popular platforms
Due to the experience we have gained from our numerous customers and the constant trial and error that we have made, we would find out the latest algorithms of the most popular platforms and their latest changes as fast as possible, and that is why we always have up-to-date information from these algorithms.
We provide these algorithms to purchasers in the tutorial files included in the package.
We also constantly update the bots in the package according to the latest algorithms of the most popular platforms to ensure the successful performance of our products.

Download the Trial Version

vUser Security

How the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package works

How the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package works
Tip 1: It is recommended to download the package with a Download manager program such as Internet Download Manager Download IDM so that the file will be completely downloaded.

Tip 2: If for any reason, one of your system security programs does not allow you to download or use the downloaded file, be aware that it is because of the program’s inability to check the compressed files. The downloaded file is a zip file that is inside another zip file and security programs can not check the inside of the two layers of zip file, so they just ignore it. However, if you suspect our files may contain a virus, you can first extract the files yourself with Winrar and then have the security programs scan them.
For more information about the security of virtual user products you can refer to this page

After Purchase

Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Instant Download Immediately After Purchase

Immediately after purchasing, the download link for the full version of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package will be added in your user panel. To download, first log in to your User Panel in our website with your Username and Password (the default Username and Password are the email and phone number you entered in the purchase form), then go to the Download Purchased Products Download Purchased Products

Tutorials A to Z

We offer exclusive video tutorials that cover everything from A to Z in full version of our Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package by following the steps outlined in these videos, you can easily set up the software and take advantage of all its features. Please note that the purchased product file you download is initially compressed, and you need to extract it first to access the tutorials. We also offer text guides to supplement the video tutorials and cover necessary tips and tricks.


Typically, software support includes resolving software issues and providing updates (which we do our best to cover) and does not include educational issues. However, we have provided comprehensive tutorials to cover installation and usage, and our support team is available to answer any questions you may have. Furthermore, we offer a range of special support services for those who require extra assistance. You can follow the link below to read about our special support services: Types of v-User products Support Services

Free Updates Forever

We regularly release minor and major updates to fix software issues and add new features to the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package With our lifetime license offer, which comes with a one-time payment, you will have free access to all the future updates of the software forever. To see how frequently we update the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package, you can check the list of updates through below link:

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On Buying Multiple Products
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Select Package

Price (€)

Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package 59 €
Instagram Follower Booster Bot Package 59 €
SEO Booster Bot Package 59 €
Web Data Scraper Bot Package 59 €
Auto Commenter Bot Package 59 €
WhatsApp Bulk Sender Bot Package 59 €
Twitter Follower Booster Bot Package 59 €
Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package 59 €
Bulk Email Sender Bot 59 €
Twitter Bulk DM Sender Bot Package 59 €
Want to use products on PC Calculation with discount % Normal Price 1 * 59 € = 59 € Saved Money: -23.6 € Final Price: 35.4 € How to Buy

How to buy

× The way you can save on purchase
To save on purchase, you should buy each of the items that have been put for you individually (with its exclusive discount code).
If you want to know how the save on purchase offers works, you can read the article Methods to Save on Purchase Cost %COUNTER_P_ROW% %IMGTAG% %P_NAME%
%S_STATUS% Discount code to use %COUPON% Price with Discount %PW_DIS% Buying Page

Version History

Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package

Updated & Active On 2024/09/15, Current version: 14.0 Updates in 2024 Version 14.0 was released on 2024/09/15 Fixes and Improvements Update and modification of the behavior of the 'Send Message to ID' bot when an invalid username is provided. The behavior of the 'Send Message to ID' bot has been updated, and in this update, when an invalid username is given, the bot's response has been improved. If the username entered by the user is invalid, the bot will notify the user of the error and prevent the message from being sent to the invalid username. Version 13 was released on 2024/03/29 Fixes and Improvements Update and improvement of the member-finding algorithm based on letter search in the 'Channel Members Information Extraction' bot. In this update, the algorithm for finding channel members in the 'Channel Members Information Extraction' bot has been updated and enhanced to provide better results when searching by letters. With the improved algorithm, channel members can be found more accurately, helping users achieve optimal performance in processing information. Version 12 was released on 2024/02/27 New Features Upgrade of the user interface to version 3 with the following features: Increased speed of receiving updates by separating customers who have purchased directly from the virtual user's site. Reporting of non-updated bots in the user interface with an 'outdated' label. Addition of important news notifications. Direct purchase capability from the user interface. Addition of the 'Click to Join Group' feature in the 'Group Adder Bot,' if the adder account has not previously joined the group. Updates in 2023 Version 11 was released on 2023/09/13 Fixes and Improvements Corrections of the following items in the Group Members Adder Bot: Method for finding the Language section in settings to obtain sample images. Handling Telegram's new policy regarding the restriction on adding usernames that have a chat history. New Features Update of all bots based on the latest Telegram update to QT Class 5159. Addition of the automatic update feature to the user interface. Version 10 was released on 2023/03/24 New Features Upgrade of the user interface to version 2 with online features Automatic updates News display Important notes for all bots Updates in 2022 Version 9 was released on 2022/10/22 New Features Renaming many of the bots and synchronizing them with the simple and straightforward user interface (UI
This program is essentially a dashboard for accessing the bots, providing you with the following features: Access to all bots Configuration without opening Excel files Ability to review Excel files while the bot is running. Version 8 was released on 2022/05/17 Fixes and Improvements Addition of private ID to failure conditions. New Features Creation of new features in the bots for sending messages to IDs and for bulk messaging to unknown numbers. Ability to set required intervals in the bot settings. Improvement of the message sending method in the forwarding section. Recording the line used for sending messages in the sending report.


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