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Types of vUser products Support Services - Is Banner

Types of vUser products Support Services

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In general, we provide 3 types of support for our products, and while purchasing any of the vUser robotic products, you are asked, in the purchase form, to specify the type of support services you want to receive for that product.
In the following, we will introduce each type and the services provided for each so that you can easily choose the type of support you need:

Normal support is lifetime and free.
In this type of support, you can raise your technical questions with us in tickets and we will answer them within 48 working hours at most. In this type of support; telephone support and system remote connection are not provided.

Silver support is intended for those who, for any reason, need faster and more specific support. If you are facing a problem in your system that has disrupted the operation of bots and you need the support person to connect to your system remotely, you can purchase this type of support. Silver support is offered for a week, in which the support person will be remotely connected to your system once for free and if you have a problem, it will be solved on your system; Also, during the one week period of this support, your tickets will be answered within 3 working hours at most.

Golden support includes special services that are provided for some of our products and are intended for customers who need to use the bot but do not want to get involved in working with it; Therefore, in golden support, we have provided the chance so that for 1 month 90% of the tasks related to setting up and executing the bots and helping to provide the perquisites is done by the support on a daily basis and the user will not worry at all about the correct progress of the affairs.

The Table of Services Offered in Each of the 3 Support Types

  Normal Support Normal Support Silver Support Silver Support Golden Support Golden Support
Service Duration 1 year 1 week 1 month
Price free 19 Euros 89 Euros
Telephone Support ** No No Yes
Remote Connection ** No, includes separate fee Yes only once Yes Most of the work is done by the support
Online Support In ticket, answered within 48 working hours at most In ticket, answered within 3 working hours at most Most of the work is done by the support

* Why phone support is not provided

If a product does not work properly in your system, it is usually caused by the way it is executed, configured, or the conditions in your system, and we must check the conditions and the steps of configuration and the execution of the software in the photos(screenshots) or videos (screen records) you send us so that we can find the problem. As a result, a phone call will not help to find the problem and will only waste the time of the both parties.

**Remote connection price

In normal support, first you take a video of how to set up and run the bot and send it to the support so that he can see the video to check the case. And only if, according to the expert's discretion, remote connection to your system is required to solve the problem, our experts will connect to your system for free and check the problem . Otherwise, if YOU want our experts to remotely connect to your system either you have to buy silver support for 1 time connection or you have to pay 9 Euros for every 10 minutes of remote connection.

Stay Patient When Products Are Updated
As you know, our robotic software is designed based on the target platform (for example, the Instagram bot is designed based on the appearance and functions of the Instagram website on the same date); Therefore, as long as the appearance and the performance of the target platform does not change, our software will continue to work smoothly without any problems. But if for any reason the target platform undergoes changes that disrupt the performance of the software, we will update our software and make it available to you in the shortest possible time . But sometimes these modifications may take more than a few days, or sometimes the target platform may experience internal disturbances that are beyond our control; During this time, your patience will cause the higher concentration of our technical team and ultimately increase the speed and accuracy of the final work that is presented to you.

Wrapping Up
According to the points raised on this page, you can choose the type of support you want and if you want to use silver or gold support, you can do it (either while purchasing the product or even after it whenever you feel the need)

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