Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 € Get Discount

Web Data Scraper

Bot Package
Lifetime License 7-Days Money Back Guarantee
From vUser Bot Series

This product is a package of 5 bots for scraping data from websites, including the Google Maps Scraper bot, Giphy Scraper bot, Unsplash Scraper bot, etc. There are also video tutorials and PDF tips and tricks to avoid websites limitations on data scraping.

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Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 €
Web Data Scraper Bot Package Package

Bypassing the Limits

Solve captchas, use proxy to change IP, save login info ... More info...

One-time Payment (Lifetime License)

No Pay-Per-Use / No Extra Fee

This product is a windows-based program that will be installed on your PC and Scraping with it, has no cost.


7-Days Money Back Guarantee

Refund in case of non-performance More info...
Easy to use
Web Data Scraper Bot Package Package video

See how it works

Active & Tested

The bot is currently active and was tested on2025/03/03
Latest version: 8.0 Changelog

Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 €

Free Demo

Demo/trial is so limited but shows how the bot works Download

Important Question

How fast is the Web Data Scraper bot? important

Due to its optimized and advanced algorithms, our Bot is very fast in performing its actions but performing tasks depends on some other factors as well, factors such as the speed of the system, the speed of the internet connection, the load time of the web pages, and most importantly, the limitations of the target website, have more significant effects on the speed of the whole process. For example, imagine there is a website that limit the amount of the data that can be extracted in a single session, to overcome this limitation, our Bot has to close the browser (clear its cache) and open it again to extract all the required data, which slows down the whole process. These kinds of limitations, and the ones that are in the same category, play the main role in determining the operations speed. All considered, the bot is very fast in extracting data from different websites.

Which is the most popular bot in this package? important

The Google Map Scraper Bot is one of the most useful and popular bots that exist inside the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.

What information does the Google Map Scarper Bot provide us with? important

This bot searches for your intended keyword in the Google Maps and automatically extracts the information, such as the address, phone number, website address, etc. of the places registered in the Google Maps for that keyword.


of Web Data Scraper Bot Package

The general view of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

The general view of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

The VIP tutorials of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

The VIP tutorials of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

Video of how to activate the bot

Video of how to activate the bot

One of the tutorial videos on how to use the bot

One of the tutorial videos on how to use the bot

The content of one of the bots in the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

The content of one of the bots in the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

Tips before running

Tips before running

Setting up one of the bots in the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

Setting up one of the bots in the Web Data Scraper Bot Package

The bot’s running process

The bot’s running process

possibility of automatic update

possibility of automatic update

The steps of getting updates all automatically

The steps of getting updates all automatically

Demo/ Full version

The Demo version is so limited, but it can be used to see how the software works and make sure whether the Demo/Full version will work properly on your PC   Full Version Price 59 € Special %50 Discount 29.5 € Demo Version Free Download

Google Maps Scraper Bot Yes Yes (Only 1 place)
Ability to determine keywords Yes Yes (Only 1 keyword)
Extract all information of each location Yes Yes
Ability to determine the number of extractions Yes No
Deliver report on the outcome Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Google Maps Scraper Bot

Giphy Downloader Bot Yes Yes (limited)
Ability to choose categories Yes Yes
Ability to determine the number of extractions Yes No, only 1 in each run
Ability to save the names of the Gifs Yes Yes
Read more about this Bot
Giphy Downloader Bot

Unsplash Downloader Bot Yes No
Ability to choose categories Yes Yes
Ability to determine the number of extractions Yes No, only 1 in each run
Ability to save the names of the images Yes Yes
Read more about this Bot
Unsplash Downloader Bot

Website Email Extractor Bot Yes No
Ability to extract email From “contact us” page Yes No
The possibility of introducing different sites to the bot through an Excel file Yes No
The possibility of receiving a mass list of sites for extraction Yes No
Inserting a smart and possible email if there is no email on the site Yes No
Read more about this Bot
Website Email Extractor Bot

Purchase Full Version Latest Version Version 8.0 Changelog Download Demo Version

Requirements Windows (10 - 11 ,Server 2016-2022) Firefox (Latest Version) Minimum System Requirement Disk Drive: S.S.D CPU: 4-Core 2 GH.z RAM: 4 GB


and capabilities of the Web Data Scraper

System Being Free When the Bot Runs

We have designed the Web Data Scraper Bot Package in a way that it does not use your system mouse and keyboard when the bot is running.

Advantage: Ability to use the system when the bot is running

You can use the system to carry out all your other tasks while the bot is running on your computer.

Your system is free when the bot is running

Extract Information from Google Maps

This bot searches your intended keyword in Google Maps and automatically extracts information (address, phone number, website, etc.) of the places found in Google Maps.

Advantage: Use the extracted information for marketing

You can find all the places related to your products and services in a specific region and having the extracted information, you can contact them to promote your business.

Ability to extract information from Google Maps

Extract Email Addresses from Websites

The bot can extract the email address of the website admin from the Contact Us section of the websites you want to finally provide you with a long list of email addresses

Advantage: Use the extracted email addresses for marketing

Using the extracted emails, you can connect to different websites for marketing your products and services or to submit a request for cooperation, etc.

Extract Email Addresses from Websites

Extract Gifs from

The bot can search your intended category on the website, download the gifs you want and save them on your system automatically.

Advantage: Provide a collection of attractive gifs

Using this bot, you can have a collection of attractive gifs in different categories, which you can use for different purposes such as website design, etc.

Ability to extract gifs from the website

Download Photos from

One of the bots in this package can download and save the photos you want in your desired category from the website automatically.

Advantage: Having a collection of attractive photos

Using this bot, you can have a collection of high-quality photos in different categories, which you can use for advertising, publishing on your social media, etc.

Ability to download photos from the website

Duplicate Information Automated Removal

The bot can automatically delete the duplicate information extracted from the various ads in the output Excel file.

Advantage: Avoid targeting duplicate audiences

This feature prevents you from sending the same ads repeatedly to duplicate phone numbers and bothering these mobile numbers owners.

Automatically remove duplicate information from the output Excel

Order Your Exclusive Web Scraper Bot

If you intend to extract information from other sites, we can design and provide you with bots for extracting information from those sites.
As you probably know, our software does all the work in front of your eyes and cannot do anything behind the scene; Therefore, if your target site has placed information for public display, we can design a bot that automatically extracts this information from the site and provides it to you.
For more information about how to order and the cost of custom robots, visit the custom bots’ page. Order Your Bot

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 پرسش و پاسخ درباره About Web Data Scraper Bot Package

Frequently Asked Questions About Web Data Scraper Bot Package

How fast is the Web Data Scraper bot? important

Due to its optimized and advanced algorithms, our Bot is very fast in performing its actions but performing tasks depends on some other factors as well, factors such as the speed of the system, the speed of the internet connection, the load time of the web pages, and most importantly, the limitations of the target website, have more significant effects on the speed of the whole process. For example, imagine there is a website that limit the amount of the data that can be extracted in a single session, to overcome this limitation, our Bot has to close the browser (clear its cache) and open it again to extract all the required data, which slows down the whole process. These kinds of limitations, and the ones that are in the same category, play the main role in determining the operations speed. All considered, the bot is very fast in extracting data from different websites.

Which is the most popular bot in this package? important

The Google Map Scraper Bot is one of the most useful and popular bots that exist inside the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.

What information does the Google Map Scarper Bot provide us with? important

This bot searches for your intended keyword in the Google Maps and automatically extracts the information, such as the address, phone number, website address, etc. of the places registered in the Google Maps for that keyword.

Will the bot work if the target websites update their appearance?

Yes, because we continuously update our bot to make it compatible with the latest updates of the target websites. If the websites change, we will update the bot in up to 3 days.

Do I need to pay additional charges after the purchase?

No, there is no need to pay any extra fees after purchasing the package. Data Scraping package is sold for permanent use/
However, if you have to solve Captchas to extract information from a website, you need to pay a small amount for this. Solving Captchas is cheap and you can automatically pass thousands of Captchas by only charging about $ 2-3 in your account.

On how many servers or computers can I use the purchased license?

At the moment, each license is issued for a single Computer (or Server). If you want to use the software on more systems, you need to buy additional licenses. Simultaneously, No. The software license is single-user license and just can be used on only 1 PC (or Server) at the same time. However, the licenses can be moved from a PC (or Server) to another PC (or another Server). That means, you can remove/delete the license you installed on a PC and install it on a new PC.

Can I use this software on a Virtual Server (VPS)?

Yes. We recommend that you use the software on a personal computer, but the software will run on all the versions of Windows on a VPS. The only requirement is that the VPS must support VNC or VMware Client. For more information you can refer to the guidelines regarding the usage of the software on Virtual Servers (VPS) .

Guaranteed Purchase

More than 3,785 active users
7-Days Money Back Guarantee

Updated & Active

Current version : 8.0 Change Log Trial / Demo Version

Why Us?

Over 5 Years of Experience

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Constant Support and Updates

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Human-Like Programming

44500 Customers Worldwide

Pioneer in Discovering Algorithms

Human-Like Programming × The most accurate programming of human behavior simulation.
We use the most accurate and up-to-date programming technology to build our bots, which helps our bots to display completely human-like behavior. In some sections (while moving the mouse) even the human hand tremor is included in the simulation of human-like behavior. Our advanced programming technology in robotics has made it impossible for any of our products to be recognized as a bot by large platforms such as Instagram or Google over the years, and to remain active and efficient at all times. At the edge of Algorithms × Pioneer in discovering the latest algorithms of the most popular platforms
Due to the experience we have gained from our numerous customers and the constant trial and error that we have made, we would find out the latest algorithms of the most popular platforms and their latest changes as fast as possible, and that is why we always have up-to-date information from these algorithms.
We provide these algorithms to purchasers in the tutorial files included in the package.
We also constantly update the bots in the package according to the latest algorithms of the most popular platforms to ensure the successful performance of our products.

Download the Trial Version

vUser Security

How the Web Data Scraper Bot Package works

How the Web Data Scraper Bot Package works
Tip 1: It is recommended to download the package with a Download manager program such as Internet Download Manager Download IDM so that the file will be completely downloaded.

Tip 2: If for any reason, one of your system security programs does not allow you to download or use the downloaded file, be aware that it is because of the program’s inability to check the compressed files. The downloaded file is a zip file that is inside another zip file and security programs can not check the inside of the two layers of zip file, so they just ignore it. However, if you suspect our files may contain a virus, you can first extract the files yourself with Winrar and then have the security programs scan them.
For more information about the security of virtual user products you can refer to this page

After Purchase

Web Data Scraper Bot Package

Instant Download Immediately After Purchase

Immediately after purchasing, the download link for the full version of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package will be added in your user panel. To download, first log in to your User Panel in our website with your Username and Password (the default Username and Password are the email and phone number you entered in the purchase form), then go to the Download Purchased Products Download Purchased Products

Tutorials A to Z

We offer exclusive video tutorials that cover everything from A to Z in full version of our Web Data Scraper Bot Package by following the steps outlined in these videos, you can easily set up the software and take advantage of all its features. Please note that the purchased product file you download is initially compressed, and you need to extract it first to access the tutorials. We also offer text guides to supplement the video tutorials and cover necessary tips and tricks.


Typically, software support includes resolving software issues and providing updates (which we do our best to cover) and does not include educational issues. However, we have provided comprehensive tutorials to cover installation and usage, and our support team is available to answer any questions you may have. Furthermore, we offer a range of special support services for those who require extra assistance. You can follow the link below to read about our special support services: Types of v-User products Support Services

Free Updates Forever

We regularly release minor and major updates to fix software issues and add new features to the Web Data Scraper Bot Package With our lifetime license offer, which comes with a one-time payment, you will have free access to all the future updates of the software forever. To see how frequently we update the Web Data Scraper Bot Package, you can check the list of updates through below link:

Save Money

On Buying Multiple Products
Select your desired products and choose the number of PCs that you want to run the products on.  

Select Package

Price (€)

Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package 59 €
Instagram Follower Booster Bot Package 59 €
SEO Booster Bot Package 59 €
Web Data Scraper Bot Package 59 €
Auto Commenter Bot Package 59 €
WhatsApp Bulk Sender Bot Package 59 €
Twitter Follower Booster Bot Package 59 €
Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package 59 €
Bulk Email Sender Bot 59 €
Twitter Bulk DM Sender Bot Package 59 €
Want to use products on PC Calculation with discount % Normal Price 1 * 59 € = 59 € Saved Money: -11.8 € Final Price: 47.2 € How to Buy

How to buy

× The way you can save on purchase
To save on purchase, you should buy each of the items that have been put for you individually (with its exclusive discount code).
If you want to know how the save on purchase offers works, you can read the article Methods to Save on Purchase Cost %COUNTER_P_ROW% %IMGTAG% %P_NAME%
%S_STATUS% Discount code to use %COUPON% Price with Discount %PW_DIS% Buying Page

Version History

Web Data Scraper Bot Package

Updated & Active On 2024/05/03, Current version: 8.0 Updates in 2024 Version 8.0 was released on 2024/05/03 Fixes and Improvements Updated executing programs to version for better error detection and management. Improving Excel files in terms of tutorials, adding 'In Cases' and 'Examples' columns to Excels, coloring, naming, etc. Version 7 was released on 2024/03/15 New Features Made it optional to extract all information from Google Maps or only the address. Updates in 2023 Version 6 was released on 2023/01/05 Fixes and Improvements Website Email Extractor Version 5 was released on 2022/09/25 Fixes and Improvements Update the user interface to version New Features Added the possibility of an automatic update to the user interface Updates in 2022 Version 4 was released on 2022/07/03 New Features Added a simple and straightforward user interface (UI to the bot, This program is actually a dashboard to access bots, which gives you features such as: Access to all bots Adjustment without opening the Excel file the possibility of checking excels at the same time as the bot is working Version 3 was released on 2022/03/18 New Features Addition of google map scraper to the set of bots of this package Updates in 2021 Version 2 was released on 2021/10/10 New Features Addition of 'Subito scraper' bot Addition of photo download bot from the Unsplash site Version 1 was released on 2021/04/09 Features Unlimited gif extraction from Giphy site


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