Telegram Group Member Adder Bot
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The Telegram Group Member Adder Bot, existing in the
Telegram Bulk Sender Bot
is a software program used to
automatically add people to Telegram groups
. Actually, using this software,
you can add a bulk list of Telegram usernames to your group
In this post, we are going to explain what this bot is used for or how it works.
Usage of the Telegram Group Member Adder Bot?
One of the effective ways for advertising your business in Telegram is to create a Telegram group and introduce
your products and services in it. In the group you create, you can bring together people who are somehow
related to or interested in that field. These people are the potential customers to your business.
Obviously, the more members you attract to your group, the more people will get familiar with your products
and services, and thus, your sales will increase.
That is why you need to look for a way to attract the maximum number of people to your group. You can increase the number of your group members in two ways:
Buy Telegram Members
The first way is to buy members for your group. However, we do not recommend this method at all because a high percentage of these members are fake (even if these Telegram member-selling websites claim to add only real members to your group). -
Add Members from A Group to Your Own Group
The second method is to find groups related to your business field in Telegram and add their members to your group. To do so, first, you extract the target group members, and then you add them into your own group.
We recommend the second method because all members you add this way are real, and related to your business field and as a result, you reduce the risk of your group getting reported.
But due to Telegram restrictions, you are not allowed to add any desired number of members to your group in a day; In fact, each Telegram account, can add a maximum of 50 people per day. As you can guess, this number is too low to significantly affect your sales. Therefore, you need more Telegram accounts to add more than 50 contacts to your group in a day; For example, providing 10 accounts, you can add up to 500 people to your group per day.
But that is a difficult task to manually add a large number of members to your group daily by using multiple
Telegram accounts. You need to find each of your target contacts (the people you want to add to your group)
in Telegram and add them to the group one by one using an account and switch to the next account when the
time arrives. As a result, you need a tool, such as the Telegram Group member Adder Bot, to automate the
process of adding members to the group in Telegram.
Important tips
You can use the Group Members Adder Bot similar to what is described in the tutorial video in this package, which means you must first manage the Telegram Group Member Adder Bot settings as you want, and then run it.
Tips on Using the Bot1. To run this bot properly, your chats on Telegram should not have folders, which means that your Telegram chats should not be categorized into different folders. We have provided the needed information in the video tutorials to learn how to delete the category folders.
Rules of Adding Members to Groups & Channels on Telegram- According to Telegram rules, only 50 people can be added to groups with each SIM (Telegram account) per day.
- According to Telegram rules, to add members to a group you create with a country’s SIM, you should use the same country's SIMs, i.e., if the group is created with an American mobile number, you should also use American SIMs to add members to the group.
- According to Telegram rules, you can add only 200 people to a channel in total since the channel is created. it doesn't matter how many SIMs; you can only add the same 200 people, and the rest of the members must join the channel themselves via the invitation link.
2. Note that whether your username is added to the target group or not, the bot only counts the number of actions (trying to add the username insert “Done” in the report file; so, “done” in front of each username in the report file means that the bot has tried adding that username to your desired group, whether successful or failed.
of Telegram Group Member AdderHow the Bot Works
How to configure and work with this bot is provided in tutorial PDF and video files, which come with the Telegram Group Member Adder Bot.
Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here again.
To launch this bot, then you just need to open the vUser Telegram Bulk Sender UI program and choose the
Telegram Group member Adder Bot, apply the required settings by inserting the list of target usernames to
be added and the link to the group to which you want to add members.
After running the software, the Bot will launch Telegram and open the Telegram account for your first SIM.
Then, it opens the group and searches each of the usernames in Telegram and adds them to the group.
Interestingly, if one of the usernames wrong, the Bot will not be interrupted and will keep running.
Finally, you will be informed by the bot that this username was not found in Telegram.
After adding the first 50 members in the group, the Telegram Group Member Adder Bot switches to your second account and
repeats the same process with your other accounts.
To see how the Bot works, watch the video below.
How to Get the Telegram Group Member Adder Bot?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Telegram Group member Adder Bot is a part of the vUser Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package, and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59€.
The Telegram Group Member Adder Bot is just a small part of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost your sales by many more automated targeted activities in Telegram.

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