Errors Associated with Excel in the vUser Bots & How to Fix
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When the vUser bots want to open an Excel file (such as the bot settings file), they may encounter errors for some specific reasons, such as the Excel file not existing, or its name changed, and such other issues. In the following, we provide a list of possible errors and the solutions to fix these errors.
Error 1: File not found

This error occurs when the bot cannot open the Excel file, either because the Excel file does not exist where it should be or the file’s name has been changed (even with a single character!) and it is not the exact name that had been defined for the bot to find the file.
Actually, what the file should be named and where it should be located is mentioned at the bottom of the error box. As a result, to solve the problem, first you need to check if the target file has the correct name and then check if this file is placed in the correct path.
If you are using a premade bot pckages, and after checking on (and correcting) the file name and path, the error still appears, to solve the problem, all you need to do is to redownload the full bot package and replace the target Excel file with the correct file .
Error 2: Microsoft-Excel is not installed

This error rarely occurs. You encounter this error when you want to use a bot that has been designed to work with Microsoft Excel but Microsoft Excel is not installed on your system.
To solve the problem, as it is clear, you need to install Microsoft Excel on your system to be able to use the intended the bot.
Error 3: Trying to create excel file failed because of incorrect directory path

This error may happen with the bots that are designed to create and open an Excel file, which means they, first, create an Excel file and then, open it to run properly. Receiving this error means that the bot cannot create the Excel file due to the incorrect directory path you have specified for the bot.
To solve the problem, you just need to check the directory path and correct it.
Error 4: File format is incorrect. File extension must be .xls or .xlsx

As the error clearly says, the file format, which is an excel file, is incorrect, while the file extension must be .xls or .xlsx
This error may also happen when the excel file is corrupted.
To solve the problem, you need to select a file that has the correct format (a file that can be opened in Excel or any other spreadsheet. If you get the error although the file format is OK, open the Excel file manually and check whether it opens. If it does not open and is corrupted for any possible reason, you can replace it with a backup (if you already have) and if there is no backup available, and you are using our premade bot package, you just can redownload the full package and replace the corrupted file with the correct file you get from the newly downloaded package.
Error: Call rejected by callee

Receiving this error means that you have not activated the Microsoft Office on your system and that is why the bot gets into trouble while running.
To solve the problem, you just need to activate the Microsoft Office on the system you are using to run the bot.
Other Unknown Errors
There may also be some unknown errors that occur when creating, opening or loading excel files. If you encounter any unknow errors regarding excel files, it means that the excel file is corrupted for any reason. For example, the excel file may get corrupted, because the information save in the excel file was interrupted due to any sudden and unpredictable events (while the information was being saved in the Excel file) such as power cut or any other technical issues.
To solve the problem, open the Excel file manually and check whether it opens. If it does not open and is corrupted for any possible reason, you can replace it with a backup (if you already have) and if there is no backup available, and you are using our premade bot package,
you just can redownload the full package and replace the corrupted file with the correct file you get from the newly downloaded package.