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Instagram Bulk Follow Bot  - Is Banner

Instagram Bulk Follow Bot

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The Instagram Bulk Follow Bot, existing in the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot package, which is a product of the vUser website, is a robotic software product that can automatically follow your desired pages or people in bulk, using one or multiple of your Instagram accounts.
In this post, we are going to discuss how the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot helps you in your business activities and how it works.

Usage of the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot?

Bulk following in Instagram can help you in 2 ways:

  1. You follow other pages/people in Instagram to attract their attention to yours and entice them to visit your page. Being discovered by a large group of new people, if you provide attractive content in your page or offer fair price for your high-quality products and services, then, the visitors to your Instagram page will be so likely to like and comment on your posts, follow you back or become your customer. This will apparently lead to a rise in the number of your followers and a significant growth in your engagement rate that will gradually drive you to be seen in the Instagram Explore.
  2. In case you have so many Instagram accounts, which you use for advertising and promotional activities in Instagram, you can follow each of your accounts using the other accounts you have. The more followers an Instagram account has, the more authoritative Instagram considers it . The authority an account gains, causes Instagram to get less sensitive to it and allows the account to act more freely in Instagram, facing fewer restrictions.

While following other Instagram accounts in bulk, you need to consider the limitations that Instagram imposes on follow activity , which allows an account to follow a maximum of 60 pages in an hour; exceeding it will put the account at risk of being banned or blocked.

To follow someone, you search for the target usernames, find it, open the page and press the Follow button on the top. To bulk follow, you need to repeat this process for each of the huge number of usernames that exists in your target list, while simultaneously observing the Instagram limitative rules, which is obviously a very slow, time-consuming and difficult task to be done manually. That is why, to bulk follow, you need an automated tool, such as the vUser Instagram Bulk Follow Bot, that can go through the whole process safely and all automatically without any need for the intervention of a human.
In the next section, you will see how the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot works.

Important tips

Configuring and running the "Bulk Follow Bot" is similar to what is described in the tutorial videos of this package; Meaning that, first you need to set the bot as you intend and then run the bot.

Tips on Using the Bot

There is no special point about this bot; Just set it up correctly and run the bot to make tasks done properly.

Instagram Limitations Regarding Follow usernames in Bulk

Instagram has hourly and daily limits on Following people, which means that you can follow a limited number of people per hour (and in a day) and you should not exceed the limits because your account may be banned. For more information about the exact number of people, you can follow per hour or per day. for more information refer to the “How to use section in the UI program.


of Instagram Bulk Follow Bot

How the Bot Works

How to configure and work with this bot is provided in tutorial PDF and video files, which come with the bot. Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here again.
To launch this bot, you just need to open the Instagram Bulk DM Sender UI program and choose the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot, apply the required settings by inserting the username of the target pages you want to be followed. In case you have multiple Instagram accounts, you can also set the bot to follow each target page using a particular account of yours.

You finally run the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot.
Afterwards, you do not need to do anything because the rest will be done automatically by the bot.
After you execute the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot, it will launch the system browser and go to the Instagram website, open the Instagram page of the first username in your list and follow it. Then, the bot will open the second page and follow it, too. The process will continue to the end of the list while simultaneously observing the Instagram limitative rules (of following a maximum of 60 usernames per hour).

Meanwhile, if you have set the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot to follow the target usernames (pages) using multiple of your accounts, the bot will switch to your other Instagram accounts when needed and keep working using your other Instagram accounts.
The bot finishes its job after all your accounts are used to add the whole list of your target usernames.
The video below shows you how the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot works.

Video of how the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot works

How to Get the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot?

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Instagram Bulk Follow Bot is a part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package, which is a product of the vUser website, and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.

The Instagram Bulk Follow Bot is just a small part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost your sales by many more automated activities in Instagram.

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