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Fake Follower Remover Bot

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The Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot, existing in the vUser Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package, is a Windows-based robotic tool that can remove the accounts you want (which you have identified as fake), from among your Instagram page followers.
In this article, you are going to explain how this bot can help you and how it works.

Usage of the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot?

As you know, fake followers are unreal Instagram accounts that belong to no real identity. These accounts are mostly created using fake email addresses. While fake Instagram accounts only add to the number of your followers, they never get involved in any activities on Instagram. In fact, they have no interaction with you, which means that they do not like your posts, do not comment on your posts, do not save them, and do not share them with others . The existence of fake accounts among your followers but their having no activity in your page decreases your engagement rate drastically, which makes Instagram consider your page unattractive and not appealing enough even to its followers and keeps your page from getting into Explore and being discovered by many other users who do not know you yet.

That is why you need to identify the fake accounts who are following you and get rid of them as soon as possible. There are a number of parameters, using which you can identify the fake accounts. We have already reviewed these parameters and introduced the Instagram Fake Follower Checker Bot, as an automated tool to distinguish your Instagram fake followers in this post .

After you identify your fake followers in Instagram, it is time to remove them. To remove your fake followers, you need to log into your Instagram account. Then, you can either go to the list of your followers and press the Remove button for each of the accounts you have identified as fake or you can search for the usernames that you have identified as fake, go to their profile, and then block them.

that Instagram allows you to remove a maximum of 60 of your followers per hour. Then if there are a huge number of fake or inactive accounts among your followers, you need to remove them manually one by one while observing the Instagram limitation simultaneously. Obviously, it would be a very long and tedious task to do, which requires you to use an automated tool, such as the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot to get rid of all your fake followers automatically.

In the next section, you will see how this bot works.

Important tips

Instructions to use Fake Follower Remover Bot is similar to what is described in the tutorial video of this package, which means you must first set the bot settings as you want and then run the bot.

Tips that you should pay attention to when using this robot
  1. The bot removes the fake follower by performing a blocking/unblocking action.
  2. In the settings of this bot, you should pay attention to the hourly limits of Instagram in this field and set the bot in a way that removes a maximum of 50 usernames from among your followers every hour. For more information about this matter refer to a pdf file named “Instagram limits for doing activities every hour and every day” in this package.
  3. The Excel file "List of usernames" contains the usernames you identified as fake and want to remove from your followers. You can get help from the "Fake Follower Checker Bot" to prepare a list of usernames.

There are no other important subjects about this bot, just set it up correctly and run the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot to move things forward properly.


of Instagram fake followers remover bot

How the Bot Works

How to configure and work with this bot is provided in tutorial PDF and video files, which come with it. Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here.
To launch this bot, you just need to open the Instagram Bulk DM Sender UI program and choose the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot. Then, you apply the required settings by inserting the list of usernames you want the bot to remove from your Instagram followers.
To provide this list, you can use the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot, which is available in the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package and we have introduced here

Then you run the bot and you will no longer need to do anything, and the rest will be done automatically.
The bot automatically launches the browser, opens the Instagram web page, then opens the Instagram profile of the first username in the list, clicks on the Block option and then presses the Unblock button. Doing this process, the account will be removed from your Instagram followers. Then, the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot will block and unblock the second username in the list and the process goes on until the end of the list.
To see how the bot acts, watch the video below.

How to Get the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot is a part of the vUser Instagram Bulk DM Sender, and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.

The Instagram Fake Follower Remover Bot is just a small part of the Instagram Bulk DM Sender Bot Package and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you do many more automated targeted activities in Instagram.

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user under pro Somya 1 year ago

I want remove my fake followers

support our under pro Virtual User 1 year ago

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user under pro Priyankadas0k 2 year ago

Please remove my fake followers

support our under pro Virtual User 1 year ago

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user under pro l._chiku__.ll 2 year ago

Fack follow remover

user under pro Onlysandhu_1312 2 year ago


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