Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram - Is Banner
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Aumente la tasa de participación en Instagram

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Ser visto, conseguir «me gusta», recibir comentarios y ser dirigido por seguidores debería resultarte familiar. Estos son los principales motivos de actividad en redes sociales como Instagram. Instagram es una red social popular en la que cuanto más te ven, más posibilidades tienes de aumentar tus ingresos, convertirte en una página amigable para el público y en una marca exitosa. Pero todas estas cosas que haces son interacciones con los usuarios. Instagram mide cuánto interactúas con los demás y te clasifica en función de eso. Por lo tanto, si tiene una tasa de participación alta, obtendrá una buena clasificación. Pero, ¿cómo? En este artículo, te contaremos 11 formas de aumentar la tasa de participación en Instagram. Estas formas están garantizadas y, si se hacen correctamente, mejoran significativamente su página de Instagram. Quédate con nosotros.

You probably know how important it is for your page growth to increase the engagement rate of your Instagram page. The engagement rate is calculated separately for each post of the page according to the following formula:

11 Steps to Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram
  • Compromiso total on Instagram would be comprised of the total amount of likes and comments
  • Número total de seguidores refers to the total amount of individuals that are following the account/page

The more likes and comments your post receives than your followers, and the more people save your post and share it with others by reposting or storying, the higher interaction rate that post will have, which will indicate the popularity of your page.

More interestingly, if the engagement rate of a post on Instagram is too high, Instagram will display your post in Instagram explore to Instagram users, and you know that this will make your post more visible, increase the number of followers (and as a result Potential customers) of your page. Of course, keep in mind that your Instagram page has to be public to find its way to Instagram explore.

Las mejores formas de aumentar la participación en Instagram

Estas son las mejores formas de aumentar su tasa de participación:

The Best Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram

1. Dale me gusta, comenta y sigue las páginas de otros usuarios

"Every action has a reaction, equal to it and in the opposite direction," says one of the basic laws of physics, Newton's law of motion. The same rule applies to Instagram interaction. Just as you are looking for getting likes, comments and followers, your audience expects to receive the same behavior in return for the comments they leave and the likes they put for your posts. So do not be passive and follow users' pages for better interaction, leave comments for their posts and like them, respond to their comments and like them.
In this way, you can also get help from vUser Instagram Bot, because the bot can work, like, comment, follow on Instagram instead of you 24 hours a day, and as a result, create a full-time interaction for you, which brings a lot of positive feedback. It will be desirable for your page, because Instagram is like a two-way street, whatever you do for others, they will do the same for you.

Poll Users and Hold Contests

2. Encuesta a los usuarios y organiza concursos

Pide a los seguidores de tu página de Instagram que comenten sobre tu producto.In addition to increasing engagement through commenting, this helps you identify customer needs and the strengths and weaknesses of your work, and help improve the quality of your products.
Holding a contest is also one of the best ways to increase interaction. Instagram users are usually not only encouraged to participate in the contest themselves, but also inform their friends and acquaintances by introducing or republishing the contest post. This way, if someone is not aware of your brand and business, they may become familiar with the content of your Instagram page through this contest.

Invite Users to Share Your Page and Introduce it

3. Invita a los usuarios a compartir tu página y a presentarla

Que otras personas vuelvan a publicar tu publicación y presenten tu página de Instagram tiene un impacto directo en tu tasa de interacción. Invita a tus usuarios y seguidores de Instagram a volver a publicar y compartir tu página de Instagram con otrostambién ayudará a aumentar tu tasa de participación.
Puedes darbonificaciones especialesPor ejemplo, si alguien hace esto, se le ofrecerá un
Por ejemplo, si alguien hace esto, se le ofrecerá undescuentoen uno de tus productos, o puedes hacerlodar premiosDe esta forma, no solo presentas tu página ampliamente a los usuarios que no son tus seguidores, sino que también tú promociona el producto que estás a punto de premiar y aumenta la tasa de participación en tu página de Instagram.
In this way, not only do you Introduce your page extensively to users who are not your followers, but you also promote the product you're about to award and increase the engagement rate on your Instagram page.

Técnica específica para solicitar la reedición:

¡Hay una forma especial de solicitar la reedición que es menos popular pero que tiene excelentes comentarios!
Envía la solicitud porenvío de mensajes directos . That is, ask your friends and followers privately (directly) to story your post. This way, they will somehow be persuaded to respond to your private message and grant your request! If you ever want to send a direct message to a large number of people, since it is a difficult and tedious task, we recommend that you use vUser Bot de DM de instagram .

Upload Posts with Quality and Attractive Photos Regularly

4. Sube publicaciones con fotos atractivas y de calidad con regularidad

There is a proverb that says “out of sight, out of mind”. When you stop working on Instagram for a long time, it is very likely that the audience of your page will gradually lose the enthusiasm of visiting your page and may even unfollow your page. Así que intentapublica al menos una o dos publicaciones al día y pon algunas historias. This will make your audience wait for your posts every day and in addition to leaving likes and comments, if they find your post attractive, they will also save it. By publishing regular posts, you remind the user of your presence.
Note to choose the photo that you put in the post carefully and fastidiously. Not only visual beauty and attractiveness but also the relevancia de la foto con respecto al subtítulo and the Instagram page purpose are important. If you own a brand, be sure to include the brand name in your posts. Seeing the brand’s name engraves it in the mind of the audience. Try to use the same background and theme for your posts . The unity and harmony of the posts help improve your Instagram page and minimize the user's confusion and mental disturbance. Even if you have a specific theme for your Instagram page and implement it in all your posts, this theme can be a representative and reminder of your Instagram page for the audience.

5. Publica historias

Instagram ha agregado funciones como elencuestas, cuestionarios, preguntas, pegatinas, etiquetas y varios filtros to the story, all of which can attract more audience and increase people's participation and interaction with your page. Be creative in story publishing. Use keywords. You do not have to put all the information in the story. You can announce a part of the news in the story and encourage the audience to see the page and the post. Cuando publiques una publicación en tu página de Instagram, introdúcela también en la historia. If there is a special event such as a weekly offer, special sale, discount code, etc. is on your page, it can be notified to Instagram users in the story, thus encouraging them to visit the post.

Use the Appropriate Hashtag

6. Usa el hashtag apropiado

Hashtags introduce the purpose and content of your post in the shortest possible time. If a good hashtag is chosen, even those who do not follow your Instagram page and search for a specific hashtag just out of interest in a topic or need, can also view and like your post and get acquainted with your page. But keep in mind that hashtags need to be smart to get the target customer to your page.
Identifica y usa los hashtags populares que sean relevantes para tu contenido. Although one-word hashtags are easier to search for, no te limites a usar hashtags de una palabra y usa hashtags de varias palabras para describir tu contenido con mayor precisión.

7. Escribe un buen subtítulo

Although most Instagram users consider this application as a video and video platform, writing appropriate text with content is also very important to increase user interaction. If the image or video catches the user's eye in the first place, most of them will immediately go to the caption below the post. If the caption can meet the expectations of Instagram users, they will most likely like and comment on your post. But if not, you should not expect likes and comments from the audience. Even in the long run, the unattractiveness of the captions may lead to the unfollowing of your Instagram page. But what should a good caption have?

El subtítulo debe ser en gran medida relevante para el contenido de tu publicación y reflejar tu propósito. Al mismo tiempo, no debe ser demasiado largo ni demasiado complicado. El subtítulo debe ser funcional y capaz de guiar completamente al usuario . For example, consider a page designed to sell clothing online. The post contains a very attractive photo of the clothing model that the business owner intends to sell. In the caption section, in addition to the name of the design, size, color, clothing material, price, payment terms and shipping cost, the necessary explanations are given. Las explicaciones adecuadas en el subtítulo facilitan la tarea del usuario a la hora de tomar la decisión.
This way, the probability of interaction and sales is much higher. Compare the same example with a caption that reads: "Further explanation in Direct." How likely will the customer send a direct message to ask all their questions in this regard? Not much!
When the user does not find the answers to most of their questions in the caption, they will not want to find all the answers personally. So never underestimate the power of captions in increasing the engagement rate.

Send DMs and Answer the DMs

8. Envía mensajes directos y responde a los mensajes directos

In many cases, the post audience ask you a question on a particular product in the comment section under the post or in direct. Satisfacer las necesidades de los seguidores es la clave para aumentar el engagement.Keep in mind that if you are willing to attract a customer, spending enough time answering the customers questions is one of the most important steps you can take to achieve this goal. For example, if a user messages you in direct for advice, you can introduce products or services related to their needs. In this way, with respect to the customer, you will make them trust in you and make a purchase from you.
Users feel satisfied that their comments and questions are taken seriously, and they express this feeling through more interaction, such as likes or comments.
Incluso una reacción rápida en respuesta a sus agradecimientos y comentarios refuerza este sentido de interacción.

9. Publique videos y anuncie su página de Instagram y publicaciones en otras redes sociales

Do not forget that in order to increase the interaction, you must also think about increasing the followers, which means that the number of people visiting your posts must be high in order to get likes and comments. For this purpose, it is good to have your Instagram page on other social networks such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and messengers such as WhatsApp and Telegram, as well as Introducing it to others via email. Many people are not even aware of a page like yours on Instagram, but when they see a link to your page on other social networks, they are likely to become your followers.
El vídeo es otra función que Instagram ha proporcionado a sus usuarios.Because video is a tool for visual interaction, it is interesting to most Instagram users, videos usually get more comments while photos often get more likes. By sharing videos, you can fully introduce your products or brand. Note that you can publish a 15 second video in the story and only 60 second videos in the post. Of course, the new Instagram feature, IGTV, allows you to share long videos on your page. Note that short videos should be as engaging and creative as possible to attract general audience. Longer videos are more useful for more specialized descriptions and specific audiences.

10. Actualice su perfil y escriba una biografía sólida con un enlace

Many Instagram audiences refer to profiles and bios to learn more about Internet business to see if those pages and posts are valid. Be sure to include enough information in the bio of your Instagram page. In addition, Debido a que uno de los desafíos actuales de Instagram es que no es posible insertar enlaces en los que se pueda hacer clic en las propias publicaciones de Instagram, colocar enlaces en la biografía de la página de Instagram es de gran ayuda para los usuarios.
Make sure you put valid and up-to-date links to your site and channels in the bio. Also note that the inserted links can be easily opened by the phone's browsers. Instagram profile and bio is the best place where you can turn the link restriction into an opportunity.

Get Help From Influencers

11. Obtenga ayuda de personas influyentes

Despite all the steps you can take to increase engagement on Instagram, do not overlook the power of influencers to attract more audiences. Influencers, because they are more well-known people in the Instagram space and are more popular among Instagram audiences, can have a tremendous impact on promoting your Instagram page, even if it costs money to advertise and get help from influencers. Often, los beneficios que obtienes de la publicidad de influencers son mucho mayores que el costo de obtener ayuda de la publicidad de influencers.
Now that you are familiar with the different ways to increase interaction on Instagram, according to the amount of interaction you expect from your audience, you can easily choose the appropriate methods and implement it on your Instagram page so that in addition to introducing your business as much as possible, you will attract the attention of your audience, and encourage them to engage more as well. Certainly, Cuanto más atractiva sea tu publicación y más útil sea el contenido, más le gustará al usuario de Instagram, más comentará, volverá a publicar, guardará y compartirá esa publicación con otros amigos.
No olvide queaumentar la participación significa aumentar el número de clientes, lo que se traduce en un aumento de las ventas y los ingresos de su negocio en Internet.

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Don't forget...

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