How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels - Is Banner

¿Cómo activar los comentarios en los canales de Telegram

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If you have a Telegram channel, activating comments on your channel can help you receive comments from your channel members directly under each post you publish. In this post, we are going to explain the methods you can use to activate the comments section in your Telegram channel.

¿Cómo activar los comentarios en un canal de Telegram

Como administrador del canal, puedes habilitar fácilmente los comentarios en cualquier publicación que publiques en tu canal.
Hay tres formas de hacerlo:

  1. Usa la función de debate del canal de Telegram
  2. Usa CommentsBot
  3. Usa DiscussBot

A continuación, analizaremos cada uno en detalle a continuación.

Usa la función de discusión para activar los comentarios en los canales de Telegram

Si eres administrador de un canal y quieres habilitar los comentarios en las publicaciones de tu canal, sigue los pasos que se indican a continuación.

Nota importante
Do not forget that before these steps, you must update your Telegram to the latest version! Otherwise, you will probably have trouble following the steps.

Paso 1

Inicia sesión en tu canal de Telegram y abre el perfil de tu canal.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 2

Luego, si tu teléfono es un iPhone, tocaEditar at the top right of the image. If your phone is Android, touch the pencil (edit) icon.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 3

Luego ingrese a la secciónDiscusión.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 4

Now you have to link a Telegram group (that you have created) to the channel. At this point, a list of the groups of which you are the admin will appear. You can select the group you want from this list or click “Crea un grupo nuevo” to create a new comment group for your channel.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 5

Telegram then asks you if you want this selected group to be linked to the channel you want. Click on Link Group (If you created a new group in the previous step and linked it to your channel, Telegram will not ask you this question). After selecting a group, every post you publish on your channel will have a comment section and will be forwarded to your group.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels

After these steps, if your telegram has been updated and commenting on the Telegram channel is activated, you can see the comment section below the posts of that channel. This section is labeled Comments, and this text appears in it: "Deja un comentario". You can easily put your comments below this post.

In this method, the ability to leave comments will be enabled for every post you publish in your channel afterwards.

You can also use some Telegram bots to enable commenting on your Telegram channel. In the following you will learn how!

Usa el CommentsBot para activar los comentarios en tu canal de Telegram

Para usar CommentsBot, sigue los pasos que se indican a continuación.

Paso 1

First, type @CommentsBot in Telegram search bar. Find this bot in the search results and click on it to open the bot.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 2

Haga clic en el comandoComenzar.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 3

Then you need to send the bot the text or photo that you want to be published with a comment section in your channel. Here the bot will send you a message showing your post has been received successfully.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 4

Haz clic enPublicar to publish the post along with the comment section in your channel.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 5

To see the comments that are placed on your posts in the channel, you can enter the channel and find the desired post. Then click on Comentarios to see all the comments that have been left on your post.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels

Lo bueno de usar el CommentsBot es que después de usar este bot,no todas las publicaciones de tu canal tendrán automáticamente una sección de comentarios, and only the post you provided to this bot will have a comment section.

Usa el DiscussBot para activar los comentarios en tu canal de Telegram

Para usar DiscussBot para activar los comentarios en el canal de Telegram, debe seguir los pasos que se indican a continuación.

Paso 1

Primero escribe @DissussBot en la barra de búsqueda de Telegram. Luego haga clic en esta ID para abrir el bot.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 2

PresionaComenzar. This method is much simpler than the previous method, because all you need to do is to add the bot to your channel.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 3

Luego abre el perfil de tu canal y busca elSuscriptores.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 4

Luego haga clic enAgregar suscriptor.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 5

On this page you have to search and find the name of the DiscussBot and add it to your channel.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 6

Here you have to give the bot the permission to become an admin in the channel. Click on the 3 dots () icon.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 7

Ahora haga clic enPromocionar a administrador.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels

After activating the comment using DiscussBot, the comments section will be added to each post you upload to the channel.

Notas importantes sobre la activación de los comentarios en los canales de Telegram

Aquí se explicarán 3 notas importantes para el uso de estos dos métodos completos.

  1. Si reenvías una publicación comentada a otra persona,tu contacto solo podrá ver la publicación en sí and will not be able to view the comments until they subscribe to the channel. This is one of the safe features in Telegram that makes it easy for users to comment and forward posts!
  2. Si el administrador de un canal de Telegram te bloquea, ya no podrás publicar comentarios en ese canal ¡! In addition, you will be expelled from that channel and will not be able to log in again!
  3. An interesting feature of Telegram in the channel comments section is that you can chat with others as in a group! You can reply to their messages and easily discuss things together!

Desactiva los comentarios en un canal de Telegram

As we mentioned, after you enable commenting in your Telegram channel, using one of the two methods of Telegram Discussion feature and the Discussbot, all the posts that you publish in your channel will have a comment section.
For any reason, you may not want your channel posts to have a comment section, or you may want to disable commenting for a while. In the following, you will learn how to deactivate it.

Deshabilita los comentarios a través de la discusión en el canal de Telegram

Si utilizas la función de debate para comentar en tu canal y quieres desactivarla, sigue estos pasos.

Paso 1

Ingresa a tu canal de Telegram y abre el perfil de tu canal para ver la configuración del canal.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 2

Luego, si tu teléfono es un iPhone, tocaEditar at the top right of the image. If your phone is Android, touch the icono de lápiz.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 3

Luego ingrese a la secciónDiscusión.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 4

En esta sección, verás el grupo al que ya te has vinculado. Haz clic enDesvincular grupopara desactivar los comentarios.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 5

In the next step, Telegram asks you if you want to remove the group from the channel link for certain. Click on desvincular.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels

As a result, the posts you publish on your channel will not have a comment section unless you re-enable the commenting feature on your channel.

Deshabilita los comentarios a través de DiscussBot en el canal de Telegram

If you are using the DiscussBot bot to comment on your channel and you want to disable it, follow these steps.

Paso 1

Enter your channel and then open the channel profile by clicking on the image or channel name at the top of the page.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 2

Haz clic enSuscriptores.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 3

Find the DiscussBot among the members and click on the three dots icon () in its front.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels
Paso 4

En el siguiente paso, seleccionaEliminar del canal.

How to Activate Comments on Telegram Channels

Now this bot will be removed from your channel and in its absence, the posts you publish on your channel will no longer have a comment section.

¿La última palabra

In this article, we have reviewed how you can activate commenting in your Telegram channels. You can do this feature both through bots and through Telegram itself without using a bot. What do you think about this interesting feature of Telegram and its applications? Is it necessary to use this feature for each channel and will it improve?

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Sí, esta función es muy útil para que los debates relacionados con un tema determinado se puedan organizar de forma clara sin perder de vista todos los comentarios.

Don't forget...

Don't forget that the vUser website offers a bot to extract information from websites, which can be used to extract website emails, information from Google map, contact phone numbers from ad websites, etc. and use the database for advertising purposes. You can refer to this page Exprimidor de datos web to read about the features of the Web Data Scraper Bot Package.