How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts - Is Banner

¿Cómo ocultar una historia de Instagram a algunos contactos

Tabla de contenido

Hay ocasiones en las que quieres publicar una historia en Instagram pero no quieres que algunas personas en particular la vean. En este artículo, aprenderás cómo puedes ocultar tus historias de Instagram a algunas personas en particular.

Pasos para ocultar historias a algunas personas en Instagram

Si tiene la intención de ocultar las historias que publica en Instagram a algunas personas en particular, siga los pasos a continuación:

Paso 1 First, enter your profile and click on the three lines ( ) icon.

How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts

Paso 2 Seleccione elConfiguración.

How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts

Paso 3 En el menú que se muestra, seleccionaPrivacidad.

How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts

Paso 4 en el menú, eligeHistoria.

How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts

Paso 5 En elViendoen la pestaña, seleccionamos laOcultar historia deopción

How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts

Paso 6 On the new page that opens, you can select the people you want your stories to be hidden from (Note that these people will not be able to see your Instagram stories)

How to Hide an Instagram Story from Some Contacts

In this article, we talked about hiding Instagram stories from the people you want, and you can use follow the steps above to hide your stories from the people you don't like to see your stories. We hope that you will find article helpful and looking forward to your feedback, suggestions, comments and questions in the comment section below.

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Don't forget...

Don't forget that the vUser website has a bot for sending bulk DMs in Instagram, using which you can send a text message or a post from your page (for advertising or information) to different people's DM inbox. To prepare a list of people in this bot package, you can extract your competitors’ followers, likers, commenters, etc. To see the full features of this bot, you can see the webpage Instagram Bulk DM Sender