Telegram Contacts Remover Bot  - Is Banner

Robot de suppression de contacts Telegram

Table des matières

LeRobot de suppression de contacts Telegram, existant dans le vUserBot d'envoi groupé de télégrammesPackage,est un logiciel robotique qui peut supprimer automatiquement tous vos contacts Telegram.
 ? ? ? est un logiciel robotique capable de supprimer automatiquement tous vos contacts Telegram

Utilisation du bot Telegram Contacts Remover ?

Vous souhaiterez peut-être supprimer tous vos contacts Telegram pour quelque raison que ce soit.
Suppose you have two Telegram accounts on your mobile phone: a business or support account that you only use to advertise your business or communicate with your customers, and a personal account that you use to communicate with your friends and acquaintances. As you know, all the contacts saved in your mobile phone would be added to your Telegram contacts by default but You may not want to have friends, acquaintances, and family members among your business account contacts.

If you do not want all your mobile phone contacts to be among your Telegram contacts, you must manually delete or remove them from your Telegram contact. Pour supprimer un contact, vous devez ouvrir le profil Telegram de cette personne etsupprimez-les de votre liste de contacts Telegram. If you want to remove a large number of people from your Telegram contacts, this process will be very time-consuming and you will need a tool, such as the Suppresseur de contacts Telegram, that can do this automatically for you.
Dans ce qui suit, nous allons expliquer le fonctionnement de ce bot.

Conseils importants

Using the Contacts Remover Bot is similar to what is described in the tutorial video in this package; That means, first you need to manage the bot settings as you want and then run the bot. Tips on using the Bot

  1. To run this bot properly, your chats on Telegram should not have folders, which means that your Telegram chats should not be categorized into different folders. We have provided the needed information in the video tutorials to learn how to delete the category folders.
  2. Ce bot commence à supprimer de la première personne de votre liste de contacts Telegram et supprime autant de contacts de chacun de vos Telegram que vous en avez saisi dans les paramètres.

captures d'écran

of Telegram Contacts Remover Bot

Comment fonctionne le bot La

configuration et l'utilisation de ce bot sont expliquées dans les didacticiels PDF et les fichiers vidéo fournis avec le bot. Nous n'allons donc pas réexpliquer ces problèmes ici.
Pour lancer ce bot, il vous suffit ensuite d'ouvrir le programme vUser Telegram Bulk Sender UI et de choisir leRobot de suppression de contacts Telegram, vous appliquez les paramètres requis, puis vous exécutez le bot.

After execution, the bot will ask you How many contacts do you want to remove from your Telegram contacts list? and you enter your desired number. The bot automatically clicks on your Telegram contacts, starts with the first contact in this list, clicks on his profile and deletes him, and then goes to the second contact. The bot will continue to remove as many of your Telegram contacts as you have specified.

Comment obtenirle bot Telegram Contacts Remover ?

Comme nous l'avons mentionné au début de l'article, le botRobot de suppression de contacts Telegram is a part of the vUser Telegram bulk Sender Bot, which is a product of the vUser website, and to get the bot you need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.

LeRobot de suppression de contacts Telegram is just a small part of the Telegram Bulk Sender Bot Package and it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost your sales by many more automated targeted activities in Telegram.

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