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Delete Sent Messages in Telegram

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You may send a wrong message to someone in Telegram and after a few minutes you realize your mistake and want to delete that message from the recipient's chat page! In this article, we will teach you how to delete a sent message in Telegram. Stay with us ...

How to Delete Messages in Telegram

One of the most used features of Telegram is the ability to delete the sent messages from your chat page and the recipient’s or destination group, which is possible in two ways. In the following, we will go through each of these methods.

The First Method of Deleting Messages in Telegram

To delete the messages you have sent to somebody or in a group, follow the steps below.

Step 1 To get started, you must first log in to the chat page of your desired contact and hold your finger on the desired message to make the options appear to you.

telegram delete message

Step 2 Then, as you can see at the top of your Telegram page, there is a trash bin icon that you should click on to delete the message.

telegram delete message

The Second Method of Deleting Messages in Telegram

There is also another way to delete Telegram messages, which will be explained in the following.

Step 1 Click on the desired message so that a menu appears.

telegram delete message

Step 2 Then click Delete.

telegram delete message

It does not matter which of these two methods you use to delete the message sent in Telegram, after clicking on the trash bin icon or "Delete" option, a message will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete this message. ?

Step 3 If you want to delete the message from both your chat page and the recipient's chat page, you must also check “Also Delete for …” and then press Delete.

telegram delete message

Delete Whole Conversation with Someone in Telegram

You can delete all the messages you exchanged with a contact completely. To do this, just follow the steps below.

Step 1 Open the chat page with the desired contact in Telegram. Then click on the three-dot icon () at the top of the screen.

telegram delete message

Step 2 From the drop-down list, select "Clear History".

telegram delete message

Step 3 If you want to clear the chat history for both parties, check “Also clear history for…

telegram delete message

Step 4 Finally, press the Clear History button.

telegram delete message

Step 5 After pressing this button, you have a few seconds to hit the Undo button and prevent the chat history from being deleted. Otherwise, the information exchanged between you and the intended contact will be deleted from Telegram forever.

telegram delete message

Wrapping up
In this article, we explained 2 practical and convenient ways to delete messages in Telegram. Now, if you have a question in this regard, share it with us in the comment section of this article.

 پرسش و پاسخ درباره About Delete Sent Messages in Telegram

Frequently Asked Questions About Delete Sent Messages in Telegram

Telegram lets you permanently delete the messages you send to the group.
Each party in the secret chat can delete the messages they sent.
Any message you delete bilaterally will be deleted from Telegram servers forever, and it is impossible to recover them.
The other party will only notice that the messages have been deleted when you mutually delete them. Otherwise, he will need help understanding.

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