Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier bot
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The Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier bot, existing in the vUser
Twitter Follower Booster Bot
is a robotic software product that likes and replies below the tweets that appear in the Twitter feed (timeline).
In this post, we are going to explain the use of the Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier bot and how it works.
Usage of the Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier Bot?
To like and comment the tweets in your Twitter timeline, is one way to interact with the people you follow.
The likes and replies you leave for others entice people to
check on your tweets and do the same for you, or even follow you back.
Also, if you engage in automated activities to promote your business and advertise by interactive activities in
Twitter, you had better also implement some natural, non-advertising actions among the promotional activities
you perform in Twitter.
For this, there are automated tools, such as the vUser Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier Bot that we have
introduced in the first paragraph of this post, to like and reply the tweets in your Twitter timeline.
Important tips
Twitter has limited the number of pages that every user can like or comment on per hour, so you need to consider this limit in commenting and liking tweets and do not exceed this amount; for more information about this limitation refer to the article “Twitter Limitation on the Allowed Amount of Activities Per Hour and Day” which is available in this package.
- we recommend that you fill in all the fields related to replies (from reply No. 1 to reply No. 30) in the bot settings excel file because the bot will choose one of these replies randomly.
We have provided a black list for this bot so that it wouldn’t submit a reply for a post twice; in fact, links to the posts that a reply has been submitted for them are available in the Excel file “Black List Posts” which exists in the folder “Reports” and will always remain there. (If you do not remove that file)
of Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier botHow the Bot Works
How to configure and work with this bot is provided in tutorial PDF and video files, which come with it.
Therefore, we are not going to explain these issues here.
To launch this bot, you just need to open the Twitter Follower Booster UI program and choose the
Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier Bot. Then, you do the required settings by specifying
the number of likes, the number of replies and the text of the replies you want the bot to insert.
Finally, you run the bot.
The Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier opens the browser of your system and goes to the Twitter website.
Then, the bot logs into your Twitter account and randomly likes the tweets that appear in the home
(timeline or feed). The Twitter Timeline Liker and Replier Bot likes as many tweets as you have specified in the settings.
It also inserts the reply texts (that you have inserted in the bot settings) in the reply section of as many
tweets as you have set the bot for.
This way, the bot randomly likes and replies the tweets in your Twitter timeline.
To see how the Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier Bot works, there is this video below.
How to Get the Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier Bot?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier bot is a part of the
Twitter Follower Booster Bot Package, which is a product of the vUser website, and to get the bot you
need to purchase the whole package for 59 €.
The Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier bot is just a small part of the Twitter Follower Booster Bot Package and
it includes some other useful bots with magnificent features to help you boost the followers of your page by
many more automated targeted activities.

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- Twitter Timeline Liker & Replier bot the Bot Introduced above
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