Telegram Services

In the end of the job, you will be provided with a CSV report of successful and failed messages that have been sent.
See how it works
The more you order in any field of our Telegram services, the higher discount you will receive.

If for any reason, a number of messages are not sent, half of the amount paid for this number of messages, will be refunded.
Do we have to provide you with our own Telegram accounts to send the messages? important
No, all messages are sent using the virtual numbers that the Telegram service team has and there is no need to your Telegram account for sending messages.Can we access those who reply to the messages? important
No, our Telegram services team is just able to report, meaning that, it informs you to which contacts the message has been sent successfully and it has no control over the reaction of the message recipient. If you want the recipients to communicate with you, you just need to put your contact info at the end of your message.Advantages of Using v-User Telegram services

Attract thousands of members in a few days
You can use the Add to Group services to increase the members of your Telegram group to thousands in just a few days, and attract new customers by advertising in the group.

Extract recent online Usernames from groups
Since the Usernames extracted from Telegram groups are all active and real, your target audience list will include the Usernames of real people whom you are sure have an account in Telegram and are active.

Add/send without using your personal numbers
Since using Telegram services, adding members and sending messages are not done with your personal accounts, there will be no problem (such as account restriction, report and block) for your accounts.

Extract Usernames from the competitors groups
By extracting Usernames from competitors' Telegram group or Telegram groups that are close to your field of business, you target the people who are interested in your field of business and are more likely to buy your services and products.

The minimum number you can submit an order in all fields (Extraction, Adding and Messaging) is 3,000 and only when you want to test this method for the first time, you can order in fewer number.
Telegram Services | Price |
Extract username from Telegram groups
View Price |
Send bulk Telegram messages
View Price |
Add username to groups in Telegram
View Price |
Click the button below to place an order
Terms & Conditions of Order Registration

Basic conditions
The minimum number of orders for Extraction, Add or Messaging is 3,000 and you are allowed to register your order for fewer number only when you want to test this method for the first time.

Verify the Message Text
Before registering an order, send us your desired message. Sometimes, we edit the text of the message to comply with Telegram rules and ask for your approval before sending.

Arrange the sending Time
Daily sending capacity is limited. Therefore, before submitting the order, it is necessary that you share your desired time for sending the message with us to arrange the time of sending.

Order Registration
To register your order, you only need to submit your order and insert the number of your orders in the Order Telegram Service page and pay online to finalize your order.
Steps After Order Registration

Give Us 4 Different Types of Your Message
Repeatedly sending the same message to different people causes Telegram to identify that message as ad and restric it; Therefore, after placing the order, consult with us to prepare 4 completely different samples of your advertising message (in terms of text, links, etc.) and provide them to us so that we can send them to your target audience. This way, Telegram cannot recognize that these messages are ads and there will be no problem.Track your order by us
After you submit an order in your desired field of services, we will transfer your order to the Telegram service teams to perform your requested services at the appointed time. However, you need to follow up your order at the appointed time, too.

Offer Output Report
A few days after your order is fulfilled, you will be provided with a CSV report of successful and unsuccessful sent messages or member adds. In this Excel file, the list of numbers or Usernames of the audiences to whom the message was sent successfully (Done) or unsuccessfully (Failed) are specified in separate columns.Refund for Failed Messages
If for any reason, a number of your messages are not successfully sent to the audiences (and this amount is more than 5% of the total number of your order), you can send your refund request to our support chat. Note that half of the payment will be refunded for the unsent messages. Also keep in mind that this refund will definitely not benefit us because we make the same effort for all sent messages (whether successful or not) and consume resources, but refund for per unsuccessful unsent message is to honor the customer.