Fake Followers Vs Real Followers on Instagram - Is Banner

Fake Followers Vs Real Followers on Instagram

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Some Instagram businesses decide to buy fake followers from Instagram service providers to increase the number of their followers and increase the credibility of their Instagram page in a short period of time. But what is a real or unreal (fake) follower? What is the difference between them? How can one buy followers?
In this article, we will answer these questions in detail. Stay tuned with us!

Fake Followers Vs. Real Followers on Instagram

Unreal or Fake Followers

As the name suggests, fake follower is an unreal Instagram account with no real identity and existence. These accounts are usually created using fake email addresses and add a fake user to Instagram users. Fake Instagram followers do not do any activities on Instagram. In fact, these fake accounts are created just to follow your Instagram page to increase the number of followers on your page. Fake followers have no interaction with you, which means that they do not like your posts, do not comment on your posts, do not save them, and do not share your posts with others.

Unreal or Fake Followers

Real Followers

Real followers are real Instagram users who have a real presence and since your content and posts matches with their interests, field of work, taste, need or purpose are attracted to your Instagram page, and follow your page. The real follower visits posts and stories, likes them and comments on them, shares your posts and stories with others. In fact, the activity of real followers has a positive effect on increasing the Instagram engagement rate . While both Real followers and fake followers are truly considered Instagram users, the main difference between the two groups is in the amount of activity they have on Instagram. In addition, real followers are likely to become the buyers of your products and generate revenue for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions About Real and Unreal Followers

Now that we know the difference between real and unreal followers, here are some important questions you may have about real and fake Instagram followers.

1. How Can One Attract Real Followers?

The best way is to increase your Instagram page followers with substantial methods. Because Instagram is an image-driven network, you can choose attractive, high-quality images for your profiles and posts. Writing about yourself or your business, in the bio, advertising your business on other social networks, using hashtags, holding Instagram contests, writing attractive captions, creating and publishing content regularly in the form of stories and posts, sticking to an attractive theme, putting question box in the stories, tagging other pages and people are among the other activities you can do, which have a tremendous impact on attracting followers.

2. Is Buying Real Followers Possible?

You have probably come across ads such as "Get Real Followers", "Buy 100% Real Followers", "Buy Followers Immediately". But even in this case, you will see that they are all fake followers who do not do any activities on your page, and if they are real followers, they do not have mutual interaction with you at all. Buying a follower is against the rules of Instagram and will damage the credibility of your Instagram page.

3. Do Bots Attract Real Followers?

3. Do Bots Attract Real Followers?

One of the cheapest and best ways to increase your real Instagram followers is to use an Instagram bot. Instagram bot, manages your Instagram page like an intelligent employee on a 24-hour basis with the instructions you give it. This way, you just need to connect your page to the Instagram bot, the bots automatically follow the users, like their posts and interact with others. In this way, you will get 100% real Instagram followers. The followers that are attracted to your page in this way are real and will stay on your page because they have followed you out of their own intention and interest. As the number of your real Instagram followers increases, it seems that the number of your customers also rises. The quality of the followers attracted to your page, saving time, energy and money are just some of the benefits of using an Instagram bot.

How Can One Identify Their Fake Followers?

4. How Can One Identify Their Fake Followers?

Fake followers usually have features that distinguish it from real followers. To distinguish an unreal follower from the real one, pay attention to these points:

  • A username is usually the first thing a page is known by. Strange, illegible, meaningless and complicated usernames can indicate fake followers.
  • Fake followers often do not have a profile picture.
  • Fake followers do not usually have any posts on their page or the number of posts is very limited and repetitive.
  • The engagement of fake followers with your page is unusual. They either have no interaction at all and leave no likes or comments, or their reaction to your posts on different topics is often the same or irrelevant. For example, they always react with the same emoji or the same comment.
  • Fake followers can be distinguished by the number of followers and their followings. Fake followers do not usually have followers on their page or have a limited number of followers, but the number of their followings is much more than the number of followers.

Most followers who have one or more of these features together are likely to be fake followers, and by examining these cases, it can be determined that they are fake. This way you can identify and then remove fake followers.

Is Buying Fake Followers Beneficial For Your Page?

5. Is Buying Fake Followers Beneficial For Your Page?

Some may mistakenly think that having a higher number of followers, even if they are fake followers, makes them look more important more reputable to customers. The reason for this misconception is that they think Instagram users often pay attention to the number of followers of each page as well as the content to ensure the page is real and reliable. So only if you are just starting out, you can buy followers to validate your page and business and attract the attention of other Instagram users. However, we do not recommend this method. Remember that buying fake followers will affect your page negetively in the long run because the number of your likes will be less than the number of your followers (or the engagement rate of your Instagram page will be too low) and this issue can be easily identified by other followers of your page. It will damage the credibility of your page.

Plus, if you're a business owner, you know that having more of unreal followers will not benefit you. What is important for any business is to increase sales, which is definitely not achieved with fake followers.

6. Is Instagram Sensitive to Fake Followers?

Instagram has its own algorithms, and these algorithms are constantly checking Instagram pages. The general belief is that if a page has a large number of followers, Instagram will consider it valid and display it on the Explorer page, but in fact, if a page does not have active followers and the ratio of inactive followers to real and active followers is high, Instagram will not allocate the expected credit to this page and will not allow this page to progress through display in Explorer.

Sometimes, a few days after buying fake followers, Instagram removes all those fake followers, and as a result, the number of followers on the page will drop. Therefore, it is possible that if a set of fake Instagram accounts are identified by Instagram, it will be removed from the group of followers of an Instagram page, and thus, the cost of buying a fake follower will be wasted. Also, a sharp drop in followers after a short time will reduce the trust of real followers in you.

7. Should We Remove Followers with Low Interaction?

Our answer to this question is yes. Since Instagram engagement rate is especially important for business accounts, eliminating fake followers will significantly increase your page engagement rate, and the higher your page engagement rate is, the more likely it is to be seen in Explorer and thus attracting real followers. Therefore, deleting fake followers, although seemingly reducing the number of your followers, will attract the attention of the Instagram algorithm. So if you care about the growth of your Instagram page and are looking to be seen more, prioritize the removal of fake and low-interaction followers.

What Is The Price of Follower Purchase Packages?

8. What Is The Price of Follower Purchase Packages?

There are many websites that sell followers, views and likes. Most of these sites also claim to bring you real and high-quality followers. Depending on the number of followers provided in each package and the performance of these followers and their unfollow in the long run, different prices have been set for these packages. The price of 100 followers varies from $2 to $5. Some of these followers will only increase the number of followers on your page, but some will like or comment on your posts. Buying followers from a particular nationality also affects the price.

Follower Exchange

Sometimes business owners on Instagram exchange followers with some accounts in order to be able to attract followers for free or at a small cost. In this way, the owners of two Instagram pages support each other’s page by putting the other party's post and story on their page. In this way, the two pages introduce each other to their followers. These two pages had better be active in the same or related field. For example, if a page is selling kitchen utensils, it exchanges followers with a page that deals with cooking, because the followers of each of these pages are likely to be also interested in the content of the other page, they follow it and thus the number of actual followers of the page increases.

Exchange is different from advertising, because first of all it is free. Secondly, the other page is close to your followers interest and both parties will benefit from this exchange.
In this article, we tried to address all the points related to real and unreal followers on Instagram and answer the frequently asked questions about this topic. We hope you will find this article useful.


Fake or real followers are trendy topics in the world of Instagram. Users like to be popular in this social network, but sometimes this is impossible. For this reason, users try to use fake followers. In this context, we mentioned this work's advantages and disadvantages and explained the right ways to attract the right audience. You can use these methods to attract real users and followers and increase the value of your brand. We hope this article was helpful to you. We are waiting for your comments and questions.

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Frequently Asked Questions Fake Followers Vs Real Followers on Instagram

Buying followers on Instagram always brings you the risk of being reprimanded by this social network. The best thing is to attract real followers.
Using fake followers can reduce the credibility of the page. This type of follower usually does not give credit to the page that uses it. If the audience finds out that a page uses fake followers, they question the credibility of that page.
Using fake followers can reduce the trust of the audience. Audiences can easily recognize fake followers by checking their followers' activity. If the audience finds out that a page uses fake followers, they will lose their trust.
Fake followers cannot affect your engagement rate. Even more can discourage users. Suppose you have a page with 100 thousand fake followers. Real users expect each of your posts to get at least 20,000 views. But your visits are 20 to 30 in the end. Here, the actual user is also discouraged and unfollows you.

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