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Telegram and WhatsApp Virtual SIMs


Table of content

  • Telegram and WhatsApp Virtual SIMs
  • What is a virtual SIM?
  • Important Use of Virtual SIMs in Bulk Messaging
  • Advantages of Virtual SIMs
  • Disadvantages of Virtual SIMs
  • Where to buy a virtual SIM?
  • How to Buy Virtual SIMs
  • General Tips on Virtual SIMs
  • Tips for WhatsApp Virtual SIM
  • Tips for Telegram Virtual SIM
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Telegram and WhatsApp Virtual SIMs
  • Is the virtual SIM provided to the user along with "vUser WhatsApp Bulk Messaging package" or "vUser Telegram Bulk Messaging package"?
  • Is the virtual SIM provided to the user along with "vUser WhatsApp Bulk Messaging package" or "vUser Telegram Bulk Messaging package"?
  • Are Virtual SIMs Safe?
  • What is the difference between virtual SIMs from different countries?
  • Is it possible to use free virtual SIMs for bulk messaging?
  • Which country do you suggest I buy a virtual SIM to send bulk messages on Telegram or WhatsApp?
  • What principles should be followed to make the virtual SIM last longer?
  • Can I start sending bulk messages immediately after purchasing a virtual SIM?
  • Can I use the virtual SIM to call and send text messages on my phone?
  • Due to the lack of access to the physical SIM card of virtual SIMs, how do I receive an SMS activation code when creating an account on WhatsApp or Telegram using a virtual SIM?

When registering on social networks and messaging apps such as Telegram and WhatsApp, you will be asked for a mobile number. Virtual SIMs are the best option for you if you do not want to share your main mobile number with others or if for various reasons you want to have multiple accounts in Telegram or WhatsApp. If you want to know what a virtual SIM is, what it does and how it can be obtained, stay with us in this article.

What is a virtual SIM?

A virtual SIM is actually a mobile number that someone in a country has bought and provides to you for a limited period of time or permanent use. The physical SIM card of this number is in the hands of the main buyer and you do not have access to its SIM card, but most of the things you can do with a real SIM can also be done with a virtual SIM. For example, you can create an account in Telegram or WhatsApp with a virtual SIM and benefit from all the capabilities of Telegram or WhatsApp; making voice or video calls in these messengers and sending text messages, etc.

Important Use of Virtual SIMs in Bulk Messaging

One of the most important usages of virtual SIMs is when you want to send bulk messages to messengers such as Telegram or WhatsApp to promote your business.

As you know, each account(SIM) can not send a large number of messages to anonymous people (i.e. the ones who have not chatted with you before or have not saved your number on their phone) per day. Every messenger has limitations. For example, in Telegram, each account can not message more than 50 anonymous people per day. The number is 100 messages on WhatsApp.

By having virtual SIMs, you can have multiple accounts in Telegram and WhatsApp, and when you reach the daily limit, you can increase the number of messages you send by changing the account (SIM). In the Limitations of WhatsApp Advertising article, we have discussed the limitations of bulk messaging and advertising in WhatsApp in detail, and we have also provided you with tricks to go over these limitations.

virtual phone number

Advantages of Virtual SIMs

  • Cheap and Sometimes Free
    Virtual SIMs are very cheap and easy to access and sometimes you can even get a virtual SIM for free. Depending on the country and the quality of the SIMs, you can buy a virtual SIM from $1 to $3.
  • Ease of purchase
    Buying a real SIM is a relatively time-consuming process; It is necessary to fill in a form including identity information, address of residence, postal code, etc. But buying a virtual SIM does not need offering such information. Just go to the virtual SIM providers website and select the desired SIM and buy it easily.
  • Unlimited in number of purchases
    Individuals can only have a limited number of real SIM cards from all active operators across the country. But there are no limits to the number of virtual SIMs that one can purchase. You can buy as many virtual SIMs as you want from the virtual SIM providers website.
  • Privacy
    As you know, you need a mobile number to use messengers. In many of which, such as WhatsApp, your personal number is displayed to your audience, which may not be very pleasant for you. For example, if a person saves your number on his phone, they will have access to all your accounts in Telegram, WhatsApp, etc. In this way, your privacy might be invaded by a large number of audience, and it can bother you some time when you need to rest or spend time with your family. By having a virtual SIM for your business, you define a boundary between your personal and work life that is not easily accessible to others.
  • Hiding regional identity
    If you want to communicate with companies or individuals by voice, video or text so that they do not realize the country from where you have communicated with them, using a virtual SIM is the best option. In this way, you can communicate with people abroad by hiding your regional identity.

virtual phone number

Disadvantages of Virtual SIMs

  • Lack of access to physical SIM card

    Virtual SIMs belong to another country and you do not have physical access to the physical SIM card. In other words, you are not the actual owner of these SIMs.

    Don't forget...

    Do not forget that the vUser website has a bot for sending bulk messages in WhatsApp, through which you can send messages and ads. This bot can to extract the mobile number of group members, send messages to groups, send direct messages (including photos, videos, text, etc.) to any mobile number database. On this webpage WhatsApp Bulk Sender , you can read about all the features of this bot.

  • One time authentication code access

    Virtual SIMs send an authentication code by SMS only once. As a result, if you create an account in messengers using a virtual SIM and log out of your account or if for any reason you need to re-enter and resend the authentication code, you will no longer be able to log in to your accountand you will have to consider that account lost. You will need to purchase a new SIM to restart another account.

  • Single Platform Usability

    Due to the fact that the authentication code is sent to these SIMs only once,each virtual SIM can only be used on one platform to create an account there. So be careful which platform, Telegram or Instagram or WhatsApp or other platforms you are using for each virtual SIM you buy.

  • Short Service Life

    Since the physical SIM card of the virtual SIM is not available to you, if for any reason there is a problem with your line or you log out of your Telegram or WhatsApp account, your line will be lost and you will no longer be able to use it.


Where to buy a virtual SIM?

Sites such as getsmscode.com  and 5sim.net  are active in offering virtual SIMs.


If you need a virtual SIM to use only on Telegram, you can also purchase virtual SIMs from our website Our virtual SIMs are provided as tdata; meaning they are activated and tested for telegram use and Telegram understands the information of that account. You will read more about tdata in the Tips for Telegram Virtual SIM  section of this article.

There are many applications that you can install to easily create your virtual SIM, the most famous of which are Textnow , TextPlus , NextPlus . Since the process of creating a virtual number is so simple , no further explanation is required. However, it should be noted that free virtual SIMs do not have acceptable security and quality, and because a large number of people use them, these lines are either already reported or will be reported quickly.


When buying a virtual SIM, pay attention to the following points


1_ Try not to buy very cheap lines from countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan and China; because many people prefer to use very cheap numbers for advertising. This makes WhatsApp or Telegram too sensitive about these countries.


2_ It is better to get the SIMs from different countries in order to reduce the possibility of these SIMs getting blocked while bulk messaging.

How to Buy Virtual SIMs

To buy a virtual SIM, all you have to do is go to your desired site first and then select the platform on which you want to use the virtual SIM (such as Telegram or WhatsApp). Then a list of lines belonging to different countries with various prices will appear. Choose your favorite SIMs and to pay for them, you can charge your panel or make a purchase through online payment.

General Tips on Virtual SIMs

Most of the virtual SIMs provided are in fact real SIM cards of different countries, and depending on the laws of that country, if we do not use them physically (do not call or text), after a while, it will be taken away or so-called burnt.

Since the physical SIM card is available to you, you should pay attention to the service life of the SIMs and do not count on these SIMs for permanent use.

Tips for WhatsApp Virtual SIM

If you are using a virtual SIM for WhatsApp, you had better use virtual SIMs of the same country of your system IP.

Tips for Telegram Virtual SIM

Sometimes Telegram virtual SIMs are provided as tdata and all account information is in this folder. If you delete this folder for any reason, you will need to reactivate the line, and since each code will be sent an authentication code only once, it means that you will have lost this line.

In fact, each tdata folder means a Telegram account, and if it is placed next to Telegram.exe, it will be activated directly without the need for manual activation. Just keep in mind that you should never open more than 5 accounts in a system at the same time and never End session any of the accounts.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Telegram and WhatsApp Virtual SIMs

No, if you buy these packages, you have to provide the virtual SIMs for bulk messaging yourself.
The SIMs are provided to you as permanent, but for the reasons already mentioned in this article, it is better not to count on these SIMs for permanent use.
As long as you buy not-so-cheap virtual SIMs from reputable sites, you will not face any particular security problems because you are sure that those lines will not be passed on to other people and other people will not have access to those lines.
Virtual SIMs in some countries have a higher price and of course better quality. In contrast the virtual SIMs of some particular countries such as China, Russia and Kazakhstan have low prices but not acceptable quality.
No, because these lines are free and many people use them at the same time, they have neither good security nor quality! These lines are usually either already reported or will be reported quickly and become unsable.
Buying virtual SIMs from a particular country does not matter much, just avoid buying cheap ones because their quality is not good and many people use them for advertising, they are reported quickly and Telegram and WhatsApp are sensitive to these lines and block them quickly.
Do not do things that cause your line to be reported. Be careful in writing the text of the message you send and also selecting your contacts. In the tutorial PDF that comes with vUser Telegram and WhatsApp bulk messaging software, there are also rules and tricks to avoid getting reported and blocked. By following these rules, you can extend the life of your virtual SIM.
No, if you have received virtual SIMs for Telegram in the form of T-data, you can start using it in Telegram immediately. But if you have provided virtual SIMs from other places to send WhatsApp or Telegram bulk messages, it is better to reduce WhatsApp or Telegram sensitivity to that line. First before starting to do bulk messaging, you had better do usual everyday activities (send messages to friends and acquaintances, join groups and channels, etc.) for 7-10 days with that line.
No, you purchase each virtual SIM for a specific platform (such as Telegram or WhatsApp) and that virtual SIM cannot be used for anything other than that platform.
If the virtual SIM of Telegram is in the form of T-data, you only need to copy the folder of that line next to Telegram.exe to activate the account (no need to receive and enter any code). But in general, authentication code is sent only once for each virtual SIM. You can view and use that code from your panel on the site from which you have purchased the virtual SIM.

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